View Full Version : So many symptoms

04-21-2009, 09:55 PM
Anxiety is a terrible terrible thing. I get so frustrated with myself when I can not control the nasty symptoms. Shortness of breath, pain everywhere, dizziness...its just a nitemare. I am terrified of everything rt now. It doesnt help that I am overly busy, pursuing a masters, interning and working full time. What has helped anyone out there? Its like, I know what i need to do (exercise, quit smoking, dont drink alcohol, take vitamins etc) but i just cant seem to get it straight. I def need better coping skills...and i need someone to relate to. Any advice would be great..ty so much :)

04-22-2009, 03:14 AM
The first thing is know thy enemy ANXIETY. Prepare for your battle which you will win over time. Remeber unlike a normal illness this will not go overnight so you will need to try and control your thoughts.

Keep active go for walks, but not alone as you will just constantly think about it. Talk about your problem with a friend or family but dont keep it as a constant subject as you want to take this off your mind as much as possible.

Headaches: I has these often at the begining and a normal paracetamol will not shift it. Normally linked to breathing too much.

Nausia: Not nice to have with Dizzyness at all. Try peppermint tea (caffine free) tis reduced the symtom around 40-50% for me, you can also try Ginger.

Circulation: Avoid crossing you legs of lying on your arms etc as this seems to escualte your symtoms of pain all over pins and needles etc.

Dizzyness: I'm struggling to find things to help this but im currently trying vitamin b complex (one a Day) to replace the vitamins my brian is using to control my dizzyness. Its compensating for the lost ones basicly.

Medication: The only effective medication i have taken is "stemisil" as recomended by "topcat" this is for Nausia, Dizzyness and Sickness. It does help with Dizzyness fairly well and totaly removed my Nausia :)

Crazy thing is most of it is in your head making your body even more stressed, you have to try and control the way you think which is a very hard task, also your breathing is another key factor.

Remeber it can and will be beaten that was my attutude and im 70% better than i was 3 months ago which is amzing for me.

One other thing which cant be stressed enough is your diet. Stay away from Caffine and suger including fizzy drinks. I think Northstar has made a big list of things to avoid on this forum, its a great guide have a look.

Good luck

04-22-2009, 06:56 AM
I know you probably don't have a lot of free time in your daily routines, but make sure you're getting enough undisturbed sleep also.

You'd be surprised how much this helps.