View Full Version : New guy here

04-21-2009, 01:00 PM

I'm glad I found this site. I've been battling anxiety\panic attacks for nearly a year now. They have crippled my social life and I'm tired of it. I have a daughter, that just turned 2, and I want to take her places and do stuff with her. So, I'm ready to get over this condition.

I'll be reading up on your posts and topics tonight. I've read that it helps to have someone to support you. Is there anyone on here that would like to be my support team member? Hopefully, someone that has my same phobia\attacks. Let me know if anyone is interested. We can share stories, remedies, and work through this together.

I'm a 36 yr old, white male.


05-05-2009, 12:54 AM
if there's anything i can help with you can let me know .as i need friends i've lost too many because of my agraphobia im 33 with 2 girls and i lost out on all the trips and scho plays ect i hate myself for it and i wish i was a proper woman like a real mum this madness (thats what i call it) has ruined my family !