View Full Version : please help

04-19-2009, 11:05 AM
i was just wondering if anyone can help...

I am so scared and don't know what to do...

About 3 mths ago my partner and i decided to start a family.. I have been with him 3 yrs and loved him with all my heart and was sooo happy and excited about starting our little family...

His sister was already pregnant and this was a miricle as she never thought she wld have children as she had ovarian cancer... so we were all really excited..

anyway my sister announced she was pregnant and i was of course a little bit jealous... but i then started to get myself really down and depressed and thought maybe we wld never beable to have kids... got through it though and kept my chin up.. then a month later his brother's wife announced she was pregnant and this tipped me over the edge..

i went on anti d's mirtazapine - been on them 6 weeks - they help me sleep and thts all.

anyway i felt better about haing kids and thought yeah course we will and felt good but now I am just in sheer panic all the time about my partner and i feel like i don't love him anymore and i can not live with him in our house - i have a phobia of my house and him and can not live there or be with him... i miss him and still love him but can not stop these fears of him or the house.. I seem to be living with my mum or my sis and he's jsut on his own.

I saw a physcatrist who was hopeless, so now going private and have an appt o tues -

what is wrong with me ? every morning i wake up in sheer panic and can not keep still and this is 100 times worse when i am at my house i just need to get out...

it's getting worse and worse

please help

04-22-2009, 06:18 PM
this is just a opinion but you sound a little manic have you ever had problems with bipolar i have seen this in bp