View Full Version : Support

04-19-2009, 03:04 AM
I've just discovered this site and hoping to get some reassurance from other people who have experienced the same.

I'm 28 and had my first panic attack when I was 18 since then I have been having an ongoing fight with anxiety sometimes it isn't so bad but other times like now it is unbearable.

I have a full time job that I need to hold down and other social commitments but when I feel like this it is like my life is going to end and I can't manage to do anything but panic.

My Doctor has given me antidepressants to try and control the anxiety but I'm only on my 5th day and have been feeling like I've got a fuzzy head since started taking them.

I live in a flat share but am too scared to tell my flat mates about how I'm feeling incase they don't understand so when I feel like this I have to come home to my parents to try and calm down.

Can anyone else give me any words of support to help me through this so I know someone understands and I'm not alone.

Thank you

04-20-2009, 08:00 PM
You are absolutely not alone - millions of people like you exist out there, including myself. I don't struggle with panic, but I do struggle with social anxiety and I would get it so intensely that it was similar to a panic attack.

The good news is that anxiety can be successfully managed to the point where it interferes little, if at all, with your life. A great option is to talk to a counselor (I used counseling once and found it very beneficial) who can help you to identify things that will help you to manage your anxiety. Among others, regular exercise, a healthy diet, counseling, supportive friends, and changing my thinking with CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) helped me to go from being a social phobic to someone with all the things everyone wants - a great girlfriend, a good job, and an overall balanced and happy life.

Everyone recovers from anxiety in a different way, and what works for you might be different than what worked for me. Anyway, feel free to ask questions of other users or myself, and hopefully we can help you to figure out how you can help yourself relax and lead a healthier and happier life!