View Full Version : Getting married and very anxious

04-16-2009, 10:46 AM
I have GAD but have been doing really well until two days ago. I am getting married in about 7 weeks and sent out the invites yesterday so i don't know if that was my trigger. I take Cymbalta daily but the last two days I took half a clonopin also because I have been so anxious. Please tell me I am normal. I don't doubt marrying my fiance but I am scared of marriage. LIke I ask myself what if I get bored, what if he is not the right person for me what if I have a panick attack the day of me wedding.
I need some either relaxation techniques or tell me what works for you now or before you got married.

04-20-2009, 12:43 PM
Heya carrotface,

Marriage is such a big step, and it is completely normal to question if its the right step. In the end you know in your heart if its the right decision, and if you love each other and you know that you want to give eachother the support, love and care that both of you need, there will be no problem. :)

Good luck! :D

05-22-2009, 02:17 PM
carrotface, I was just wondering how it is working out for you? did you get married afterall?

05-27-2009, 09:03 AM
Just hang in there. I just got married about a month ago and leading up to the wedding I was flipping out. I had to take wellbutrin and two xanax a day just to bring it down to managable levels.

It took about two days after the wedding for things to start to calm down. Now, a month later, I am only taking one wellbutrin a day. While I still have my bad days, they are no where near what they where before the wedding.

05-29-2009, 07:02 AM
I think many people have problems with getting married. That's such a big change in life and it can be very scaring and irritating. I think you have to take your time and get to used to the new situation. Probably one or the other should think a little more before she or he decides to marry.

sport mad
06-04-2009, 02:21 PM
I think you will find,that any big event like moving house or getting a new job gives you anxiety, and your are right, it will settle down.

Just try and keep your mind off your worry and tell youself you will be ok and happy.

Enjoy your big day

debra trotter
06-06-2009, 06:08 AM
Hi carrotface,

Too much thinking on any matter whether it's marriage,job etc bring anxiety.Marriage bring many new things to your life love,comfort,support,care and above all some one who shares your life.My advise is to focus on doing things in step by step manner and do not ponder over them too much, just take decisions not contemplate future.And do not worry every thing will go fine.