View Full Version : Its Back

04-16-2009, 09:14 AM
I thought my anxiety was going i was feeling much better every week and was looking forward to what was to come.

Then bam, after bank holiday weekend starting work again on the tuesday ive felt awful, constant nausea, exhaustion, spaced out, keep thinking that im dying, its like ive accepted im going to die, and now i am just waiting for it to happen.

I have just come home early from work as i had no energy, i felt out of it all day and scared that i am dying, this has been going on constant for 3 days now and i am really worried that something different is happening.

I can still walk and talk, and do physical things, but its my mind more than anything, i just feel completely out of it. Like i am going to black out any second, as i write this at home i dont know what to do, my appetite has gone aswel, and im really worried that this wont go away, i just dont feel myself again. Over the weekend i did drink some alcohol but nothing excessive, i drink some dr pepper on a night and my sleeping pattern is going to sleep around 2am and waking up around half past 8.

Please somebody put my mind at ease, as im literally getting ready to leave messages to my family as i think i wont make it past tonight.

04-16-2009, 01:25 PM
mate a good tip for ya is to get a hold of The Linden method, you can get it for free on pirate bay, it really helped me to understand my condition and helped me deal with it and i feel great now, and trust me i was really bad with anxiety and panic last year. hope it helps you like it healped me, its basically CBT which helps you to reprogram your mind to think positivly, which is hard to do when you are suffering panic attacks, but that really is the answer to your problem......hope this helps.

04-16-2009, 05:23 PM

You will make it through the night :)

I too have been doing really well with my anxiety and then today for what seemed like no reason I felt jittery and kept feeling sick and light headed. Then this evening for the first time in ages I had a massive panic attack because I thought there was something wrong with my newly fitted crown and it felt alien in my mouth and I wanted it out, the more I wanted it out the more I panicked!! It got to the point where I thought I would die, never the leave the house again or cope with anything going wrong with my body. These feelings came out the blue, but I have eaten a lot of chocolate, drank a lot of tea lately an had too many late nights so this may be a factor for me but also it may just be a bad day.

I feel better now, I just feel stupid for letting my fears take over again. I think you should try an relax and distract yourself from your feelings as these feelings can take hold as you know, tomorrow is a fresh day, you will be here to see it and just keep telling yourself that this is just a minor hiccup and will soon blow over :)