View Full Version : dizziness

04-15-2009, 05:39 PM

I've had this before and I'm almost positive it's due to anxiety. But it's still frustrating as hell.

The scenario is that I lowered my dose of prozac. Then I went through an extremely stressful period. I was on a very short (1 hour) airplane flight
last week.

And now, every time I'm walking I feel like I'm going up and down, like on a boat. I can watch movies, read, etc with no problems. No vertigo when seated or lying.

I also have an extremely spacey and 'disoriented' feeling which worsens when I am stressed.

I have (along with medical supervision) increased my prozac dose. I am also taking Klonopin twice daily.

Just hoping this damn thing passes soon! Last time around (2 years ago) I believe it passed in 1-2 weeks.

04-21-2009, 02:02 AM
I still have this all be it less than what i did. Found that when brushing my teeth it is more noticable for some reason and when walking. Went through a stressfull few months waiting to get made redundant then i hit a cocktail of symptoms including this.

Try stemisil, it helps a little with this problem, also stay away from caffine and suger.

Dont worry your not alone, also i have just come back from mexico on several planes which did not make this worse, so again im putting this down to stress/Anxiety.

04-21-2009, 07:59 AM
thanks. that's comforting to see.

this thing is really starting to get to me.

I can read and write without a problem. I can sit still and lie down without feeling any vertigo or dysequilibrium.

However, when I walk I continuously feel like I am moving up and down as on a boat. When I am talking with people, particularly groups, I have been having a 'spacey' disoriented feeling.

I have noticed that times I have gone on walks with other people (long hikes for instance) I have felt fine. Perhaps when my mind is distracted I don't feel the symptoms as strongly.

I currently don't have health insurance (nor much free time) so I don't feel like undergoing a whole work up for vertigo (ENTs, MRI's, etc). Since I have had this before I am hoping it is due to anxiety and will just subside on its own. However, for now, it is really a nuissance.

04-21-2009, 09:10 AM
I would not bother with the Doctor on this one as they have no idea how to treat it, in fact i have spent many hours trying to find why this is happening to me.

I have had this for nearly 3 months and it is very very slowly going. The was something i read about people going on planes and boats and when they got off them the dizzness yo-yo feeling came. This has been researched and it seems that the brain has adapted to the movment then not reset itself when on solid ground. As i didnt go on any boats or planes when i started it can be ruled out although identical symptoms.

The feeling is like your whole body just moves up and down, sometimes in sync with your heart. It's like Marshmellow on your feet lol.

Dont worry in most cases i have read it does go but can take a long time, in some very severe cases years. Looks like i might be in the months catagory. You will get more used to it over time, oh stay away from computers too as staring at screens seems to make it worse for me, try to take breaks if you have to use one.

Out of interest do you find its worse in supermarkets or busy areas with many people around? Also do you find yourself looking at the floor when walking and not at your surroundings?

04-21-2009, 11:47 AM
thanks. not much worse in supermarkets. it is the worste when I am seated at a table with other people or in a crowded situation.

04-22-2009, 02:50 AM
As i recall i did have a few attacks when sat at a table in a restaurant. I went for an Indian and had to go for a walk because i felt so bad couple of months back, this is when i thought fizzy drinks helped me tut tut they just made me worse in the long run. Suger highs and lows are not good for Anxiety.