View Full Version : Newbie Intro - faith comments and questions
04-13-2009, 12:27 PM
I just found this place 5 minutes ago. I was dx'd GAD many years ago; (all kinds of BAD stuff in my family history.) All my life I've crossed people who can't help but comment, "you worry too much" or "you're too sensitive" like they think they're making this big revelation! Gee, if I could just find the switch, I'd flip it off!!!
Anyway, the last few years have been super tough due to the economy. Difficult for anyone, but worse for the anxiety sufferer. I've always been a person of faith, but after posting and posting on a Christian forum, the light finally came on and I realized that I'm looking for answers that aren't so simple for someone who isn't entirely healthy! I've noticed that people are weary of me, losing patience, thinking I'm trying to get attention, etc. My Dh especially, with the stress he is under, doesn't have the strength to be a support system. This is when it occurred to me that I belong in a "mental health" community.
Just wondering if anyone has any comments on why faith doesn't "work" the same way for folks like me? How can I not be a burden to others when there is little to no support system and -0- money for therapy? Do other sufferers try to "hide" their anxiety from the rest of the world and are you successful?
hey im new here to, but anyway i thought id post because i know how that could feel and im a person of faith as well. In all honesty i try took keep my anxiety to myself. Of course ive told family and friends closest to me. But in general i dont tell people that i have anxiety issues. I to have heard those same comments like "just dont think about it and dont worry " or " Just Be Positive" (ha that one makes me laugh all the time) not that im a pesamist or negative person. But i believe that a person should be honest with there feelings, if your being ignorant of your circumstances and denying them how are you going to work on them to make them better? in my opinion there should be a balance. Well yes you should expect stuff like that from people who dont understand or have not experienced what your going through. Try not to worry about what poeple in there opinion say or feel about you. Beating anxiety goes futher then just thinking positive and not worrying. Everybody worries about something whether they admit it or not. If they dont then there not human. For me i have found that my experience with anxiety has made me a stronger person. When i got my anxiety attacks at first i was afraid of them and didnt want to face them. As i kept getting them i realized that this is something that i have to get over and fight. So what i started doing was if i got anxious i used that oppurtunity to try and over come it . Of course most of the time i failed, but hey i was still here. But as i kept on going that i realized that i was making my mind stronger and stronger and i have found that as time went i was able to overcome the little things that made me anxious and eventually the big things. Im still working on it but at least im going somewhere. and its not an over night thing you have to work on it and train your mind, and i say you mind because these are really mental issues and i belive that your mind like your muscles can get stronger, not in mass but in control of your feelings and body. Why do you think they push marines, and fighter jet pilots to there limit mentaly in training. They do it to train not only there physical body but there mind as well.
yeah its easy to look around (the economy, news, murders...ect) and get discouraged. These things will come and go, we live in an imperfect world with imperfect people like us in it. It just comes down with what your foundation is and what you look to for hope.
And as far as your faith issues, Im a person of faith, im a chirstian. The bible talks about what faith is. Faith is not " thinking positive" faith a simple trust, period, which is independent of feelings. So it is possible to be scared and still have faith. The deciples of Jesus struggled with doubt and faithlessness. and often times invited rebukes from Jesus. But in that period though they were failing they were also growing in there faith. These things, like anxeity for me is something that God has put in my life not to make me miserable but to make my faith stronger. and when i cant go on or handle it God takes over and gives me streghth. its not that faith doesnt work for you i just think that you need to understand what it is first. I dont know how you are in your walk but this is getting long and if you want me to explain more to you, i can. Just send me a message or something and ill be glad. I hope i was of encouragement. Good luck.
04-15-2009, 03:51 AM
THANKS! It's a completely different perspective to talk to someone who actually understands anxiety! Normally, I get those same scriptures I already know and a tone of criticism along with it. I'm much too open...trying to hide the fact that I have anxiety, but at the same time, desperate to talk and asking for prayer because I really am at the point of losing everything, in fact, meeting with a bankruptcy attorney today. Yea, I know I'm supposed to have joy in the midst of trial, but FAR easier said than done! There's a book called, "Why Do Christians Shoot Their Wounded?" I sure wish I could recommend it to all those holier-than-thous out there!
your welcome, yeah it gets to me sometimes when people are quick to judge and think they have the answer when in reality they dont know what there talking about. Yeah if you need someone to listen or talk to. Just let me know if i can do anything for you
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