View Full Version : anxiety is hurting my family

04-13-2009, 09:26 AM
Hi everybody, I am new to postng on these forums but have visited many times. I need the advice of someone who can relate. About 7 years ago while walking in a mall with my famiy I had a very severe panic attack. I thought I was dying, Im sure most all of you know exactly what I'm talking about. I went to the doctor and was put on meds that didnt work for me. My wife was very understanding and as supportive as she could be not really knowing the intense feeling that come with an attack.
I dont like to bring it up too much because its not something I just love to talk about. It is very embaressing(sp?) for me. When I dont talk about it for a while my wife thinks that it dosent bother me and that it just went away, this is not the case.
It has gotten to the point where I avoid normal, seemingly fun activities such as family outings, going to the movies or going out to eat. It is starting to hurt my wife because of the strain of having to deal with me and my anxiety. I understand how she feels because I feel that strain too, I would love to go out with friends and family without stressing the whole time, wondering if Im going to have an attack.
Because of the economy I only have a part time job that offers no insurance. I cannot afford to pay for a visit to the doctor out of pocket.
I need some help before anxiety and depression destroys my family. What options are available? Where can I go to get help, meds, what can I do? I need advice...

04-13-2009, 10:27 AM

While I am also new to this site, I also suffer from anxiety. Recently, my anxiety has shifted to health anxiety. When my anxiety first started, it was just a panic attack out of nowhere and I didn't think much of it at first. When I realized what it was, I started to have more panic attacks and to be honest, it started to get out of control in a sense that I was always scared of the panic attacks so I would have another attack based on that fear. I too avoided movies, being on the inside of the table while eating out and avoiding social settings with lots of people. I started to see someone and they reccommended a book to me called The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund Bourne. I believe they have several editions out now but I got the most recent one and it did wonders for me. I have not had a panic attack since reading this book and practicing his suggestions towards dealing with anxiety. Now I don't believe I am completely cured because my anxiety has switched forms to dealing with anxiety about my health (probably because my father died recently from brain cancer) but I am so grateful for the social anxiety having been relieved and I can go to movies and fear nothing. Check it out! I'm sure it will help you. Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions I could possibly help you with! :D

04-21-2009, 12:25 PM
I just found this site. Thank goodness. I've been all alone and now I hope I get the support I need to get rid of this luggage I've been carrying. I just ordered this book. I hope this helps!

04-21-2009, 01:43 PM
jdun, welcome to the boards :) there is plenty you can do to help out with your anxiety! speaking to your doctor is the first step, they can give you the best advice and you can speak to them about therapy or medication. i wrote a big post on all the things that helped me through my own anxiety problems, you can take a look at it here if you like: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087 i managed to recover from crippling anxiety, so i know it is possible :) i hope you feel better soon xx

04-21-2009, 08:17 PM

I know how you feel. I have the anxiety and my husband has a more difficult time having patience with me. I shy away from going places because I worry about panic attacks. That's just the problem. We worry about the attacks coming on, or the "what if's". I keep telling myself, "panic attacks are not going to kill me", "I know what I have", and something that someone posted here awhile ago, " I'm not letting you tell me what to do, I'm going to do what I want to do". It is so difficult for people to understand how horrible panic attacks can be, and as you, if my husband see's I'm having a few good days, he thinks everything is fine and there's nothing wrong with me. I live with it constantly and keep much of it to myself. Try to find a clinic or doctor in your area, also read up on it from books at the library. It's a tough road, but know you are not alone. :)