View Full Version : Anyone suffered from adrenal or chronic fatigue?

04-11-2009, 09:14 PM

I was just wondering if anyone's ever suffered from adrenal or chronic fatigue before and if they've recovered. How long did you have the problem? What worked for you? I'm going to talk to Dr. Lam later (who I found out about through one of the forums here) who will help me with this unexplained problem I've been having for 2 years and I suspect may be some sort of fatigue problem. Feels like my body is working at 50% than it normally does. Answer away. :)

04-12-2009, 08:08 AM
I had adrenal fatigue at first with anxiety and it was like my body did not have any energy at all ... Was all the times tired and I know that Xanax make me tired on top of it... I went to an acupuncture to feel less tired it helped for a while then I started taking B6 vitamin on a daily basic and it really helped out... Fatigue was really draining me out.
Keep us posted


04-12-2009, 04:20 PM
Thanks for the reply, rejanette. Would you happen to know the brand, dosage, and what form you took the vitamin B6 in? I remember taking vitamin B complex from Nature Made at one time, but it didn't seem to be helping. How long did you take the B6 for?

04-13-2009, 06:49 PM
Well, I talked to Dr. Lam today and he said that I was going down the wrong path by trying out all kinds of nutritional and herbal supplements. He was very helpful and listened very well while asking me questions and giving me advice. He said that I had level 2 adrenal fatigue (whatever that means...). Then came the part when he said that he could tell me what to do to make my body better and I should be better in 6 to 12 weeks, but he would have to charge to help me. He said that he normally charged people around $400 :shock: but he would charge me around $130 since I was really young. Although that's still a good price, I'm still someone who's just graduated from college so I said that I couldn't do that price. No problem, he transferred me to his assistant who was a nutritionist and she helped me out with the right stuff to take. She also only charged me $60 and the follow-up would only cost $30! I'm still kind of worried though because I had to give them my debit card number instead of my credit card number (which I left at home)! Anyway, she recommended that I take 1000 mg of vitamin C for the first day, 1000 mg in the morning and another 1000 before 2 pm on the 2nd day, and then 2000 mg in the morning and another 2000 before 2 pm for the rest of the days after the 3rd day. Has anyone taken these products before:
Quantum C

She told me that I should order these from a site called supplementclinic, but they're like over a $100 altogether :shock:! She also told me to eat pecans and walnuts soaked in water at night because they lower cortisol and would help me to stay asleep. Raw macadamia nuts are good too. Anyway, I'll keep you all posted. I hope for the best!

05-05-2009, 02:57 AM
Update: I've been talking to Dr. Lam's assistant, Dorine and I'm supposed to recover in 6 to 12 weeks from my stage 2 adrenal fatigue. It's been around 3 weeks I believe and I'm feeling pretty good. She said that I'm recovering very fast and the LipoNano was really working for me. She also told me to take 200 mcg of chromium polynicotinate before bed to balance my blood sugar level and help with my insomnia. I can't say that it has helped me to stay asleep, but my anxiety and fatigue have been considerably reduced and I can stay up from 6 am to 10 pm without even having the urge to fall asleep. It's incredible! My mood has also improved. I've recently been advised to take type I and III hydrolyzed collagen to help me with my muscle weakness so we'll see how that goes.

I'd advise anyone with problems they're trying to treat themselves without luck to google Dr. Lam (The Authority on Natural Medicine) and click on the first link. He is the first and only person in over 2 years to have successfully helped with the problems I've been having so far and I sincerely trust his work. Now if only I could get my money back from Native Remedies. The products on that website were useless and the money back guarantee was a bunch of hogwash since they told me that I bought their products from another distributor, not from their website :roll: Please, that's a load of crap and I was really pissed off. People, never buy products from Native Remedies (or if you do, buy them from their website so that you can at least get your guaranteed money back).