View Full Version : 2 Questions.

04-09-2009, 06:45 PM

I have 2 questions about Anxiety.

My first question is "Is it possible to have a constant pounding heart, and a moving stomach (on every heartbeat) if you have anxiety"

My second question is "Is it possible that alcohol makes the pounding worse? (not at the time im drinking alcohol, but the day after) Even if I'm not more scared then normal"

Can anyone help! My docter told i had anxiety. But i forgot him to ask this questions.


04-10-2009, 07:09 PM
I think I know what you mean by moving stomach. My anxiety has caused that and I am fairly certain alcohol would inflame the lining of you stomach more.

As far as the constant beating heart, my anxiety has given me flutters and palpitations but they never last longer than a few minutes.

Since most of us who have anxiety tend to focus and obsess on the little things, especially when we think there is something wrong with our health, it may be possible that what you are hearing is not as bad as you think it is. Is there anyone around who might be able to put there ear to your chest and see what they think?

Just try to relax and focus on something else. If you start to feel any chest pain though, get yourself to a hospital.