View Full Version : embarrassing anxiety

04-08-2009, 08:49 AM
Hi there I am new to this forum. Ive had anxiety for a long time and get severe bouts of it now and again. I have to take lexapro and xanex which is fine. I would like however to try and deal with the anxiety as much as i can myself as it's very embarrassing and freaks people out. Basically I get anxiety that girls think Im looking at their boobs, Im a 30 year old straight as a pin girl! I also sometimes get anxiety that when Im talking to my friends boyfriends that my friends will think I fancy there boyfriends so I act like I fancy them!! and finally I get the usual anxiety about looking people in the eyes. I can't hide this as I know when people see it and it's weirding me out completely, anybody relate or have any tips or tools?

04-08-2009, 06:39 PM
Welcome Jellybean,
I too am on the Lexapro and Xanax combo. I hope it is working well for you.

I have had people tell me and over time and have found that this is true: People are rarely thinking about you as much as you think they are. By that I mean most people probably would not even notice if you were staring at them. You're friends may not have even given it a second thought that you are interested in their boyfriends.

I can't look into peoples eyes while talking to them for more than a few seconds at a time. I know people who can stare into someones eyes for an entire conversation, personally that creeps me out.