View Full Version : Anyone ever had dry eye/eye strain/eye fatigue?

04-06-2009, 11:58 PM
Hi, all,

Has anyone ever had chronic dry eye/eye strain/eye fatigue? How were you able to treat it and how long did it take? Any specific kinds of eye drops that worked or supplements? Anything? I think I'm one step closer to finding out the underlying problem to why I have anxiety and my arms and legs keep shaking. I think I may have eye fatigue and it kind of makes sense because my eyes have always felt like they've been dry and not getting enough moisture in them. As a result, all my mental and physical focus is going into trying to keep my eyes open and drains my energy. This has been going on for around 2 years and I've always been staring at my college books and whenever I needed a break, I went on my computer. It's one obvious problem I overlooked and even my mother said that this was her problem for a really long time and she didn't realize it was causing her fatigue until later.

04-09-2009, 10:20 PM
Yes! I have eye fatigue and dry eye. I use a drop called Systane. It's very good. I would suggest going to your eye doctor and telling him/her that you have eye fatigue. Most likely they will tell you nothing. One thing that has REALLY helped me is to apply a very hot/wet washcloth over your eyes in the evening before bed. Apply a bit of pressure and massage the eye, which will stimulate your tear ducts. And don't let the condition create anxiety!!

04-09-2009, 10:55 PM
Hey, my grandpa uses Systane for his dry eye too! I heard many good things about it and how doctors recommend it. Actually, I'm using Thera Tears (liquid gel) and so far my eyes are starting to feel better, but I'll keep Systane in mind!

04-21-2009, 02:09 AM
yes i have dry eye.

Stay away from smoke/smokers, drink pleanty of water and try not to drive with your window open. Oh air conditioning made mine worse too.

You can get eye drops and a gel form eye drop also if its very bad.

04-30-2009, 11:55 AM
yes I too have dry eyes that feel like theyre burning. I have also been having a strange kind of dizziness i cant explain. It doesnt feel like i am going to pass out but i do feel heaviness in my head. I told my gp about it and she checked my ears and said i have fluid in there but didnt say what causes it nor did she do anything to help me. Could this be anxiety related? I wake up in the morning feeling really shaky and anxious. Also, is it normal to have an anxiety attack in your sleep? Thanks.

05-01-2009, 05:48 PM
You might want to try L-Glutamine to cure the problem from within instead of having to rely on external eye drops. L Glutamine will cause the tear ducts to produce fluid and if the tear duct is blocked it very well could help reduce Inflammation and improve blood circulation to the duct. Glutamine will also help with fatigued extraocular muscles.

05-01-2009, 09:28 PM
I've always had allergies and dry eyes. After my lazer eye surgery it seemed like my eyes are a lot dryer. In the morning my eyes used to burn. After a check up my eye doctor told me to try an over the counter ointment called GenTeal. I usually do the ointment before bed and the drops during the day. They work great!!