View Full Version : For all those suffering from love anxiety...

04-06-2009, 07:16 PM
Hey all,

I've not forgotten about you guys, I keep looking on the forum to check whether everyone is OK. I've seen quite a lot of posts recently about "love anxiety". I'd like to help give people the boost they enquire so they can go on and maybe take what I say and put it to good practise. :)

First of all you need to realise the good and the bad points about this forum. The people on here are absolutely fantastic, and the support you guys give eachother is phenominal. It allows you to recognise you're not the only one and whereever you turn youve got people who care. However, as soon as you start turning to this forum for advise, then there is the risk of you using it as your life support. So no matter how many times you are looking for the answers, whether this is the 1st time you've read this or the 27th, you're getting the same advice every single time. And if you keep looking, then the anxiety eats that up aswell. You'll start saying "Well I read this last time and it didn't help me at all." Once you read this post, you have the strength and the power to never look back.

So you've had this battle going on for what seems forever... "Do I love them?" and "Do I want to spend the rest of my life with them?", with every part of your heart crying yes, but the major effects it has on your body says no!

Have you realised that everytime that you have a thought you check your stomach, or whether you feel like you meant it? Take a look on what you actually believe love is... Is love a feeling? Well if it was a feeling then surely you'd have given up by now cos you don't love them. But it's not. Before anxiety did stop loving them just because you felt a bit down, or had a bit of an argument.

Every reationship, whether its family, friends or loved ones, has its ups and downs, and the things that hold it together is love, trust and commitment. You have already shown great commitment by gritting your teeth everyday, even if you feel abolutely terrible inside.

There has to be that acceptance inside you first. You know you love them, but you had one tiny little unconcious slip up and youve gone tumbling down the anxiety route. Do you want to know what mine was? One day there was this guy who was flirting with my girlfriend, I got very jealous and vunerable, I took it out on her and then my mind started the tricks. You have anxiety, and that is it! Nothing more, nothing less, and now its all about breaking a thought pattern.

I know that when I was trying to get rid of anxiety I had so many misconceptions about love. Maybe these ring true, maybe these don't but just to point them out.

1. You don't have to think about your partner every second of the day to be in love.
2. You don't have to smile everytime you think of them.
3. Each sentence you say doesn't have to end with I love you. (Slight exaggeration but you get the point)
4. You don't have to think the same and like the same things to be in love.

There are many more, but you get the idea. As soon as you get anxious, you test yourself... And then from testing yourself and failing miserably you get even worse and you come up with totally bizarre rules. There is no miracle cure there is no time when it will just click and the birds all sing and the sky magically turns blue... Because that loves always been there. Every single step... It's the thing beyond the anxiety that can't be touched, it's the thing that is keeping you strong and not giving in to anxiety. If you believe what I'm saying then you will go on and you'll do fine. Take what I've said and use the self help techniques that other anxiety sufferers use.

I think I've written a bit too much of an essay here, I could go on forever to be honest, so many little pointers that I can share. If there's something you're seriously struggling with then dont hesitate to post. I'll try and answer as best as I can. But next time you see your loved ones, give them an extra big cuddle from me. :)

Take care :) x
Be happy!

04-19-2009, 09:10 AM
Hi there

Your comments have really made me think.... about love anxiety...

About 3 mths ago I was totally in love and happy... my partner and i were starting to try for a baby, something I was totally and utterly looking forward to and cld not wait. I waited yrs to find the perfect partner and did with him after a very horrible marriage previous. I then started to put doubt in my mind that we may not beable to have a child and got a little bit down however overcame it by keeping busy etc...

My sister -in law was pregnant and that was fine however my sister then announced she was pregnant and i felt a bit low and then thought well me next etc and carried on still with a fear we might not beable to have kids but carried on. Then my brother-in -law's wife announced she was pregnant and this jsut tipped me over the edge and a week later I knew I needed ant d's.... as the thouhgts of not being able to have kids was just constant.. Been on anti d's 6 weeks no change.

I now have got more positive about having kids and beleive i will have them when im better however i am now rejecting my partner and have this phobia about being with him on my own in our house and being on my own in my house - i can not stand it as soon as i wake up in the morn i jst hate it and can not sit still and just have to run away from him and my house!

any ideas what is going on or what i can do?

I am so desperate for help xxxxx

04-20-2009, 03:45 AM
Heya there emerald,

First of all I think that one fo the most comforting things is that there are people on this forum, on other forums, and who are suffering alone who have the same probem, which means that you are definitely not alone.

Secondly, it is also basic grasp of the understanding that you are suffering from anxiety and that you are having irrational thoughts. It is the fear that is taking over your life and this is not healthy for you or your relationship with your top notch bloke. You must accept that they are just irrational and then the battle will become so much easier.

In your case your trigger was the face that you so deperately want kids and to lose one of your life long goals started to torment you and become a fear. This has now developed in being in the same room as your partner through whatever irrational thought track you may have had. I think that knowing this and accepting wholeheartedly this will be a big step. So it is not you, it is your irrational thoughts that are controlling you, and as soon as you remember who is in control, and that there is nothing to fear, because you are just being in the same room as the man you love and want to start a family with.

As for ideas to help... Theres an endless list if you trawl through the forums, about diet, sleep, relaxation techniques, all which you can read and they will help, but I'll give you some tips to help with the problem head on.

* Battling your brain is a battle your always going to lose... Scientists say its the most powerful computer in the world. So the more you fight and try to rationalise, the worse off you will get. When an irrational though enters your mind, find something to completely throw it off its guard. This may be from shrugging your shoulders to saying mentally pineapples, or any word you choose. As long as its not about your loved one. After youve done this initial deviation, make sure you start thinking about a happy subject, something really good on TV or something like that. The less you make of the fear and the less time you spend on it, the more control you are in. Deviation is the most important step, and you must learn a tactic!

* Make sure your partner knows a little bit about what you are going through. You are not a bad person if you dont tell them the precise details, it doesnt mean you dont love them because you havent told them all whats going on. Just enough to inform them, and let them give you the support and care you need. Its going to be a tough journey for them too.

* Do not beat yourself up if you dont get it completely right first time, second time, one hundreth time. Its taken me a year already and I've still not got it completely right, I'm still getting there. It's learning that you have a choice. If you wake up feeling terrible it doesnt mean the rest of the day has to be terrible. If you're in the same room as your partner, and its hell for you, it doesnt mean youre a failure. Learn an optomistic state on the situation. Youve stuck by him and you want a baby with him, you are in fear now but all it is is irrational.

I've noticed once again this a bloody essay, and I havent got through so many tips as I would like to, but I really hope it helps you. I know you love him and want to be with him, I have belief in you, I really do. And I know that you are gonig to have a beautiful baby together, and have a happy life with him. :)

Remember. Love is not perfect, love is about loving the imperfections.
Take care.

04-20-2009, 03:50 AM
thank you so much for this i will give it all ago and as long as I have the hope i am sure i will get there...

thanks again for your kind words


04-20-2009, 12:41 PM
It is really comforting to see that you believe in your own strength. See this forum as support, because you'll get all the support you need here. But dont see it as a dependence.

Take care.