View Full Version : Life of anxiety

04-03-2009, 11:13 AM
I am having major anxiety issues because of legal trouble. I believe it's tied to a panic attack I had. My family has struggled with anxiety issues on the male side, and after I had a full blown panic attack I was arrested for DUI. I had been drinking at an accident scene to calm myself down (no damage, car just got stuck in snow) but was too frozen with fear to say anything when the police arrived. Doubtful they would have believed me anyway. Now my days are filled with one panic attack after another. I have flashbacks to the night I had the first one (is this normal?). I sometimes sleep with a light on because the dark reminds of the first attack too much.

Now I'm buried in problems on top of the anxiety. I feel that nobody will understand and it's me against the world. I am fighting the charge but I'm not sure if I'm strong enough. My family doctor gave me medication but even he thinks I should just wave the white flag. Thinking about going to see a psychiatrist because I feel disconnected from who I once was. The grief is overwhelming most days. Does anybody understand where I'm coming from?

04-03-2009, 12:33 PM
You're among friends here. Everyone has anxiety, but not to your extent, although it's not uncommon. I highly suggest finding a therapist and psychiatrist instead of just having the family doctor try to help. These people are specialized in this area and can help greatly and give you better meds and teach you how to manage your anxiety.

04-03-2009, 01:23 PM
You're among friends here. Everyone has anxiety, but not to your extent, although it's not uncommon. I highly suggest finding a therapist and psychiatrist instead of just having the family doctor try to help. These people are specialized in this area and can help greatly and give you better meds and teach you how to manage your anxiety.

Thanks for your reply. I have always known I had an anxiety problem but chose to ignore it. I self-medicated when I had to be at a function where my anxiety would be high, but this latest incident has all but destroyed me. It's only been about 2 months, but because my anxiety (or panic attack...I'm going to ask a therapist about that) has now caused me so much legal trouble I can't seem to forgive myself. I blame myself for not being able to control my emotions after the accident, and that brought me a world of pain as a result. But the fact is I couldn't control it. I was shaking so badly nad my heart was pounding so hard in my chest that I really thought I was having a nervous breakdown. And now nearly every waking moment is filled with bad memories of the first attack and the troubles it brought on. My family is trying to help but nothing can take away the hopelessness I feel.

I must say that I have never even felt close to this way in all my life. I just want it to end. Sleeping is the only comfort I get...that is when I can sleep I guess I need help. Thanks again.