View Full Version : Jumping heart?

04-02-2009, 03:37 PM
Hi, I just wanted to know if anyone ever gets this "jumping heart" feeling in their chest when they have a lot of gas. I tend to get this for no reason and it feels like it has to do with my heart but when I check my heart rate there is no skipped beat--it just feels like it. I then burp and it goes away for a while. It tends to come periodically--from week to week; I could not get it for like 2 weeks and have it for like a week straight. I never feel more than one single flutter/jump at a time.

Anyone else experience this? Like I said it seems to be linked to excess gas.

Also, I just had my heart checked extremely thoroughly less than a year ago and everything was fine (by thoroughly I mean VERY thoroughly--I even had an EP study done to check for an arrhythmia).

04-02-2009, 09:03 PM
Wow. This sounds just like me. :?

You are not alone with this. It has been happening to me for quite some time. I too have had several tests on my heart and the doctors said my heart was healthy.

Don't really know what to tell you though. My doctors don't seem to concerned about it so I just deal with it when it happens.