View Full Version : Anyone know about Valerian root capsules?

04-02-2009, 12:27 AM
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has ever taken Valerian root capsules, if they've worked for you, how long you've taken them, and how fast do they work. I'm taking Valerian root capsules for what I think is insomnia because I wake up a couple of times during the night. I think the insomnia may be anxiety related, but I also heard the Valerian root capsule may be taken for anxiety as well. I'm taking 3 capsules (1,605 mg) 1/2 hour before bedtime and the brand is Spring Valley.

04-02-2009, 07:33 AM
Hi Tigershot,

Not used that medication but i did suffer and still do to some extent from Insomnia related to Anxiety.

Found myself waking up at differant times during the night and moving into a differant possitions, probably 4-6 times per night as a guess. I think this could have been brought on by some of my meds but its hard to say to be honest.

Sometimes when taking new meds your body takes a few days to get used to them, maybe this is the case for you.

04-02-2009, 02:08 PM
Hi, Coops,

Thanks for the reply. That's true, I was reading some online articles that stated the valerian capsules worked almost immediately for some people, but may take a few weeks for others. It's quite strange though, I've been taking these capsules for around a week already and one night I did sleep without waking up once during the night, but other nights I woke up a couple of times. Guess it's a waiting game :|

04-02-2009, 08:52 PM
Just wanted to throw in my $.02.

I took valerian for a few months for stomach cramps and anxiety. It did seem to help a little but after a while I started smelling and tasting valerian all the time. it was awful, so I had to stop taking it. Hope it works for you but it didn't really help me. :x

I have heard that valerian tea is good but I have never tried it. Also, I don't think you can boil it, you have to steep it. boiling it can make it toxic. Or so I've heard. Might want to do some research on it, or at least speak to a doctor that deals with herbs. :|

04-03-2009, 12:21 AM
Thanks for your reply, Hippy,

I didn't know there's a chance you could smell and taste valerian. I'll keep that in mind. When I talked to a GNC employee, he told me that taking valerian could make your body give off valerian odor. :o I'll have to watch out for that too.