View Full Version : this sucks

03-30-2009, 01:06 PM

Im 19 years old and have had 2 textbook panic attacks over the last couple months. Ive always been extremely alert and aware of my surroundings, my reaction from event to though out response seems much faster then anybody else ive ever met and its really easy for me to get an adrenaline rush out of even the smallest competition enhancing these things even more. So far ive seen them as a blessing, being very competetive by nature it just helps me tremendously however lately it seems my body is out to get me :|

What im looking for right now is why do i get these attacks so maybe i can avoid it, they are super annoying making my heart race, head spin and limbs numb/shaky for hours, reading up on the subject the main trigger seems to be fear.. ok there are 2 things i fear in this world
1-bugs (lol yes i just dont like them, at all.. i actually think they are a superior life form to humans in relation to their size), but that cant be it since i havent seen a single bug in months nor do i think about them
2-death, since im convinced that when i die.. nothing happens.. im not exactly afraid of it.. i just dont want to, i like living and doing stuff a whole lot more

My lack of any consiously obvious fears led me to rather comical situation last time i had an attack - i was in a bed in ER shaking all over with a bunch of friends and family looking really concerned while i couldnt stop laughing at the texture of the ceiling which spelled out something familiar (inside joke)

Anyway, the first time i had no clue what was going on and my MD diagnosed me with GERD :lol: the second time the ER doc told me it was a panic attack which was the best cure of all, however since that last time ive been feeling alot more jumpy then usual i sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with a shocked feeling for no apparent reason and from time to time out of the blue my heart starts racing again and i get palpations then i remember its just another one of these and chill out for a while.. its very annoying. Maybe somebody here knows whats up?

03-30-2009, 09:08 PM
Typically ER doctors are in a rush so I wouldn't take their diagnosis too seriously. It does sound like you have a panic attack eithier way, although I think looking up at the ceiling and thinking it is spelling something is a little abnormal for a panic attack (at least the ones I get), but I guess it is still one.

You could have panic disorder, which means that the panic attacks come from nowhere. This is fine, you can't die from it. When I feel them come I just let them come now.

There are a dozen reasons why people get attacks. I get them when I drink too much caffeine (and am depressed when I am on caffeine withdraw, ohh the dilemma). Try a healtier diet, and if that doesn't help, try seeing a psychiatrist to get a proper diagnosis. (many physicians aren't properly trained in mental illnesses, despite the fact that they can prescibe medication for some)

There are anxiety books for panic attacks on amazon if you want a cheaper alternative for the time being.