View Full Version : Has anyone felt a sense of dread when lying down?

03-26-2009, 12:11 PM
Hello everyone, I'm new to this board. :)

I have had an anxiety problem for years which seems to come and go. It could be triggered by thinking about friends or loved ones getting older, the passage of time, and the inevitability of sickness, infirmnity, and eventualy dying. Once triggered, I become agitated to the point where I cannot lie down and go to sleep. If I lie in bed I will feel a panicky sense of dread. I know nothing will happen, that I'm not going to die or anything. Nevertheless I get so anxious that I just have to get out of bed and do something - go for a walk, watch TV, anything except lie down. When I am in that state of mind the mere thought of remaining in bed is enough to provoke extreme anxiety. I know that I am tired and that my body and mind would benefit from a good nights sleep, but it doesn't make any difference. The feeling of dread is just too overpowering. When that happens to me the mere thought of being restrained in bed, for example if I was in a hospital bed and was prevented from getting out of bed, that thought alone fills me with incredible anxiety and fear. Could this be related to fear of death or perhaps some sort of deep fear of losing control? Has anyone experienced this kind of anxiety?

03-26-2009, 02:16 PM
I have a fear of illness and death, and although I do not feel as bad as you do at night I did when my mum was very ill.

You need to try an distract yourself at bedtime, watch tv in bed if you can, read a book, listen to your favorite music and concentrate on your breathing and keep it under control.

You should see someone about your fears to talk about it in depth but I do understand how you feel and I know from experience that being tired definitely makes our worries seem more intense.