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03-25-2009, 07:34 AM
Hi guys,

I am a 26 year old male who enjoys going to the gym 5 / 6 times per week, have a stressful job and am getting married on August 15th of this year.

In November I was on the tube and came over all faint and started to have chest pains and slight shortness of breath. Of course I took myself straight to hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. Had ECG and blood test and urine test and blood preasure taken and all came back fine. Since then I have been feeling anxious and have been suffering with chest pain mainly where my heart is located and I am worried that there is something physically wrong with my heart all the time which is scaring me.

Since this first happend I have been back to the hospital for 3 ECG tests and all have been fine. However when the ECG test was taken I wasn't having the chest pain. I have also had a 24 hour ECG monitor fitted to me which also came back fine. In addition I have had pain in my left arm and cramp in my left hand.

I get these symtoms even when I am not feeling stressed or anxious!

Is anyone else experiencing the same? Is this the physical effects of anxiety?

Thank you so much for your help

03-25-2009, 09:03 AM
Hi Matthew,

I had really bad chest pains on and off for a while with heart attack on my mind, turns out that with the amount of stress i had was linked.

My simple advice to use is to go and buy some heart burn tables such as "rennie" etc. I really kicked myself after i found that a few of these just simply made it go away after so much suffering for so long.

Worth a try before exploring other routes.

Hope this helps you out and please post back and let us know how your getting on, its important to share experiances.

03-25-2009, 09:51 AM
Thank you for your response.

I will be buying some Rennie later today.

Were your pains exactly where your heart is? Mine are!

03-25-2009, 11:02 AM
Youre welcome i hope it helps.

I had all of your symptoms on and off even though like you say you dont feel Anxous. Pins and needles in my arms, legs, head (specialy my left arm) chest pain in my heart area faintness (you go white when you feel like this). I had a sudden urge to go outside fast when i had these attacks, you feel like your going to die. This is indeed a horrible situation to be in but once you find answers you will realise that your not going to have a heat attack or die.

The hard bit is working out what is causing it. I went through a bad time being made redundant from a very stressfull job, shortly after this my problems became a living nightmare even though all the stressfull things were gone. Try to keep this illness out of your mind and think possitve "im going to beat you" attitude is always good.

This is all my own experiance i could go on forever to be honest :roll:

03-25-2009, 02:44 PM
It is anxiety dont worry, chest pains are so common and the more you worry the more you will have symptoms, you can be anxious or stressed without even realising it which means your body is tense, your breathing changes and you develop all sorts of weird feelings.
