View Full Version : Anyone had these

03-24-2009, 04:50 PM
pins and needles in arms and legs, constant shoulder pain, and elbow pain. headaches, forgoting what you were about to do. anxiety or not

03-25-2009, 12:00 AM
to me that sounds like more of a physical issue rather than an anxiety one. is that your question? sorry, I'm a little confused :?

03-25-2009, 03:26 AM
pins and needles in arms and legs, constant shoulder pain, and elbow pain. headaches, forgoting what you were about to do. anxiety or not

I have all of those symptoms aprart from the shoulder so yes it is very likely you suffer. Does it happen more under a stressfull situation?

03-28-2009, 09:55 AM
Yep, I've had them all. You may have serious muscle tension causing the pain and pins/needles. For me, relaxation therapy or self-hypnosis helps. I got my self-hypnosis CD from the library and put it on my MP3 player so I can use it whenever I want.

I'm struggling with different symptoms now, but I've had the ones you are having. On another note, I wanted to add that my symptoms are not always connected with some identifiable stress - sometimes it's just my body doing what it does and I can't control it. People will always ask "What are you anxious/stressed about?" and it makes me mad, like I need a reason for my body to be like this.

Breathe. It really helps. It takes practice, but it really helps. Also go to your doctor if you need to...

03-28-2009, 05:46 PM
Anxiety can cause many different physical symptoms.

If you take 'normal' anxiety, like giving a presentation to a group of 100 total strangers, most people will feel stomach flops, sweaty palms and rapid heart beat. Most people accept that the two are related, especially when the symptoms disappear after the presentation!

Now here, obviously we are dealing with much more serious anxiety, (and not induced by circumstances) so it just makes sense that physical symptoms that are perhaps bizarre and unexpected can come up.

I also believe that the physical symptoms of anxiety are different for every individual.