View Full Version : Write a journal

03-24-2009, 09:30 AM
I suffered anxiety the past months...
I have been writing for 10 days now in a journal I do it in the morning and write whatever is on my mind... It's a great tool to kind of put some of the anxiety on the paper .... and feel a little free about it.
Does any of you have a journal or write to get the anxiety out ?

03-28-2009, 05:52 PM
Writing in a journal can be a huge help. T

he reason for this is many times the the cause of the anxiety is unknown, and unfortunately a person that is suffering is misunderstood and told to cheer up. Sometimes a person even may even put themselves down for feeling anxious.

Putting the thoughts down on paper is a way of acknowledging that your feelings and thoughts are legitimate. It calms and soothes the soul to know that you are acknowledged, even if its only by yourself!