View Full Version : Anxious When Im Not

03-23-2009, 01:54 PM
Is it possible to feel anxious when you feel normal?

For example i have felt normal all day, but anxiety then be spurred on because you feel normal and are not feeling the anxiety that you previously did?

Hypochondria comes to mind, but im getting a pain in the right side of my head, and my right ear, but i feel normal, but yet im anxious about feeling normal. If any of this made any sense whatsoever. :?

03-23-2009, 10:15 PM
This happens to me a lot. One moment I am absolutely fine, the next I become anxious all because I began to focus on my normalcy to the point it begins creating anxiety. Its very much a cat and mouse game, where it can lead me into a whirlwind. In these moments I find I really have to step back and cut the cord so-to-speak. The sooner the better.

03-24-2009, 06:14 AM
I'm going to say yes, because i dont feel Anxiety (just a couple of symtoms) but certain places trigger other symptoms making me feel very ill indeed. So far i have noticed that Supermarkets and other busy places seem to trigger it. Very odd as i still dont feel i having any kind of attack it just hits me??? I think its your mind telling you "your not going to feel well here" hard to beat i guess.