View Full Version : Please i need advice
03-23-2009, 07:24 AM
Hi all,
I have been suffering from Anxiety a few months ago with these sytoms, dizzyness, chest pains, heart flutters, pins and needles in my head and hands and feeling faint.
Now i no longer feel any of the above apart from Nausea, swaying kind of yo-yo movement all the time. I find this is worse when im in a busy place like a supermarket. Ive had these symptoms for nearly 2 months and im desprate for help, my Doctor does not seem to know whats wrong :(
I'm trying ginger for the first time today but i really want to know if these symptoms like the yo-yo swaying affect is a know problem even if i no longer feel Anxiety (or am i still?) Can some symtoms persist for a long time after Anxiety?
Last question is has anyone traveled on a plane with Aniety? I need to go and see my girlfriend and am worried about how i will react to flying.
Thanks in advace for your replies.
03-23-2009, 02:05 PM
Hi all,
Now i no longer feel any of the above apart from Nausea, swaying kind of yo-yo movement all the time. I find this is worse when im in a busy place like a supermarket. Ive had these symptoms for nearly 2 months and im desprate for help, my Doctor does not seem to know whats wrong :(
Last question is has anyone traveled on a plane with Aniety? I need to go and see my girlfriend and am worried about how i will react to flying.
Thanks in advace for your replies.
The reason you feel this way is because you are over breathing, this will cause nausea and faintness (or strange movement sensations) you need to learn to control your breathing.
One of my main symptoms is nausea, my doctor prescribed me a drug called stemitil it treats nausea and dizzy spells, you can take up to 3 at a time depending on how bad you feel, it is not addictive and only needs to be taken when needed, it is very effective especially if you combine it with rescue remedy, years ago I would get through a pack of 28 in a couple of weeks but not it lasts me for about 3 or 4 months.
As for flying it depends on what makes you feel anxious, I personally dont like it because I hate being enclosed but if that doesnt bother you than you should be fine.
03-24-2009, 03:14 AM
Many thanks for your reply topcat.
I will go and see my Doctor again as soon as i can to try and get this medication from him. I have felt this way for some time (constant) and must agree my breathing is not great, i try to keep calm but its very hard to notice when or if im breathing too fast/slow. Any advice on breathing excercises that worked for you would be appreciated :)
My Doctor last gave me Omerprazole which did nothing but make me fart alot lol. Paracetamol does little and i find myself in bed every night now after work even though that makes little differance too. I'm seriosely considering stopping smoking to help this but read i should do this slowley as Nicotine is a stimulant.
Had my eyes tested and an ECG which both came back as ok. My balace now seems more stable, i test by putting my feet togther when standing and closing my eyes, not as muh movement anymore.
Quite often i feel like im not me??? I'm sure you must know this feeling as if you are whitin your mind and sat watching, like movie Dave haha.
03-24-2009, 03:42 AM
I posted a thread a while back about hyperventilation, its a bit of a long thread but may help you :)
I feel really sick again this morning, not sure of I can say sick more like I am going to gag at the slightest thing even if I talk, its horrible and makes me more anxious but that makes it worse lol :roll:
03-24-2009, 03:51 AM
Sorry to hear that Topcat. Maybe i should have said how i overcome my Anxiety (well to a fashion). Because i always felt so bad i found it hard to even leave my house so i bought a computer game that makes you focus so much that you forget yourself, its like drifting away into a movie but much easier to do :) I played a Game called "world of warcraft" which to be honest i would not advice because it is stupidly addictive, still this took my mind away from my problem so much it made it go away in the end.
Gave me eye strain though :(
By the way i have been thinking about my breathing, trying to slow it and already i have noticed a slight differance.
I will report back once i have been to see the Doctor which is 2 days from now.
Thanks again :)
03-24-2009, 07:14 AM
Quick update.
Tried Pure peppermint tea today and it does seem to be helping with my nausea, Ginger didnt seem to help me at all. ;)
03-24-2009, 08:41 AM
Quick update.
Tried Pure peppermint tea today and it does seem to be helping with my nausea, Ginger didnt seem to help me at all. ;)
I find the big lumps of ginger quite good.
In reply to your other comment about over coming your anxiety I have always made myself busy when I feel like that and it always helps the only time I hate it is when I am in my car and start feeling sick cos then i panic that I will get sick which is why I hate travelling.
03-24-2009, 09:51 AM
I have only bought some "Ginger beer" maybe i need to propper stuff but they didnt have any when i last went to the shops. Peppermint has definately made a new home on my beverage shelf as from today :)
I find that driving can be frustrating as im just wanting to get home. I feel Anxious when nothing is moving just stuck in traffic. I'm fortunate that i have not yet been or felt sick with my symptoms, wish i could offer some help but i have no idea what may help you there.
Still feel like a yo-yo it just wont stop!!! Hopefully it will go one day.
03-24-2009, 10:12 AM
Still feel like a yo-yo it just wont stop!!! Hopefully it will go one day.
Have you double checked that you are not attached to a piece of string lol ;)
03-25-2009, 03:15 AM
Haha wish i was a simple snip would be the soloution :)
I dont notice it as much if im standing or walking, always when i lay on my back and when i sit down. Bit of a nightmare as i work with computers :(
It's really wierd, sometimes when im in bed i can feel little spasms inside really freaks me out.
8 days now till i fly, at least peppermint helps with the nausea (Got one now).
03-25-2009, 02:47 PM
I assume your doctor has checked your ears etc?
You maybe feeling worse recently if you are becoming anxious about flying.
03-25-2009, 06:01 PM
yes he has looked into them both everytime i go and he's sure they are ok. He is going to refer me to a heart specialist soon just to make sure thats ok after the ECG came back with a very slight thing, he didnt say what (when i say slight i mean very slight). My heart appears to be fine now, maybe a little on the fast side but no flutters or pain like i had in the past.
I have booked to see my Doctor which is tomorrow now :) hopefully i can get some meds that actually work this time :roll:
Trying not to think too much about the flight but your right im trying to get myself in the best shape possible before i jump on a 14hour flight Arrghh!! never had any trouble with flying i just hope it doesnt do me in.
Just wish i could work out how to releave or stop this swaying (yo-yo) feeling, nothing changes it at all. It used to be easier in the morning when i just wake up but now it doesnt even change unless im tired, then its much worse.
You know i would really love a beer but the last time i tried one "Bam!" hit me like a train :( heart was racing and put me back in my lovely new home called my bed.
Still with all this i can say that 2 months ago things were much worse than now, so im feeling positive about a recovery. So far the Peppermint tea and indigestion tablets are the only things that have helped me.
Will post again tomorrow with the results of what the Doc has to say. ENT next i bet :P
03-26-2009, 05:13 AM
Just got back from the Doctors and she was much better than the others that i have seen :)
Told me that me right ear drum appears slightly dull which is no major concern but can cause very slight problems accrding to her, she advised me to pinch my nose and blow to relieve the pressure and to let any excess fliuds out.
Explained that i was flying soon, she said not to worry about that as pressure should not cause any problems with my current condition, however being in the airport maybe a problem for me which i am now worried about. Think i may wear sunglasses to to and reduce my symptoms worth a try i guess.
She has prescribed me with "Prochlorpera zine maleate" (Stemitil) as reccomended by Topcat, hope it works. The Doctor told me these are indeed very effective (why didnt they give me some in the first place?).
Last night i didnt sleep all :( tossing and turning all night and i woke up with pain in my left eye, head ache and i was dripping with sweat. Jeez i hope that does happen agian anytime soon.
Time for another peppermint tea :tongue: will post back soon.
03-26-2009, 05:19 AM
hi coops, just wondering have you tried acupuncture for your dizziness problem? i've been through my own vertigo stuff and i found that the acupuncture really helped, it's reccommended for balance problems. if anything it's quite relaxing and will chill you our for a while, and that's always a relief when suffering with anxiety :) don't be afraid of the needles, you barely feel them!
also i'm just wondering if you've ever suffered with sinus problems, as blocked up sinus passages can also cause imbalance and dizziness? might be worth looking into as there are lots of things that you can do to help with this if it is the problem.
one other thing - you mention that peppermint tea and indigestion tablets are the only thing that have really helped you out so far. this makes me wonder if your anxiety is diet related. what and how you eat is incredibly important to your mental health, i can't stress that enough. the best advice for people suffering with anxiety is to cut out irritants like sugar, caffeine, alcohol, junk foods, refined carbohydrates and fast foods or at the very least keep them to a minimum in your diet - all of these things will likely make you feel worse. it is also important to be aware of eating to keep your blood sugars stable, as level blood sugars are vital to good mental health. you can read a bit more about this, and about other things that will help you out with the anxiety here:
i really hope this helps, it seems you're quite positive about getting better and i'm glad to see that as it really helps to have a good attitude about it. good luck with your doctor, i hope he's able to help you out :)
03-26-2009, 05:33 AM
Hi Northstar,
Not tried acupuncture yet but it has crossed my mind, my plan is to try differant things out one at a time so i can point at a route cause rather than think hmmmm i tried 7 differant things today. It is on my agenda, think i would quite enjoy it :P
No real problems that i know of with my sinuses, mybe a slight blocked nose from time to time but nothing i have noticed.
My diet has been very poor in the past, love my fast food but did see sense and stopped them all. No KFC :( No coffee (not even de-caf) No suger at all and lots more healthy food. I still have things that are not healthy but no so frequent, more fruit has been added to my diet on a dialy basis and less fatty foods.
I will have a good read of your linked post and try to stick to it as much as i can. Flying in a few days and my girlfriend will be forcing me to a strict healthy diet once i get there. She promised me 1 KFC :o
03-26-2009, 08:40 AM
you know it's really great to see how you're so active in helping yourself :D it's so easy with these kinds of problems to just succumb to it all and do nothing, and i understand why people do that. but i'm just so pleased for you that you're staying strong, keeping faith and working hard to get better. i've no doubt that with such a strong attitude and hard working ethic that you'll be feeling better soon :D
you remind me of me when i was going through rough times, trying out absolutely everything in order to find the solution :)
way to go on the diet too, it's hard to give up all the stuff you love! my boyfriend and i do what we call takeaway fridays where all week long we try to eat healthily and have good meals in the evening times, and then on friday night we're allowed eat whatever food we feel like. it means we're not cutting out everything we love, but keeping it as a treat so that we can still enjoy ourselves!
just make sure that while eating a healthy diet you are also eating frequently enough, no skipping breakfast, have a healthy snack between meals, never let yourself get too hungy or go for long periods without eating. the idea is to keep your body fuelled and happy and this will help you to feel stable.
definitely try the acupuncture, i really enjoyed it. it was so relaxing, it gave me relief for a little while and was such a nice treat in the middle of all my problems. i hope it'll be the same for you :D
i share your feelings about flying, it's just not fun :( but i manage to get through it everytime and i'm sure you will too. it's nice to think about your girl waiting for you at the airport to get you through the flight :)
03-26-2009, 10:35 AM
Glad to see you got the stemitil, they are really good for nausea/dizzyness :D
The headache an pain in eye seems a bit odd, probably stress related migraine type headache but I would consider writing a diary of your symptoms as they appear to be a bit random but its great you seem to have stayed so incrediably positive :goodjob:
Wish I could stay positive enough to fly somewhere :roll:
You ever considered the possibility of IBS, that can also cause nausea, indegestion, burning sensation in pit of stomach, headaches etc.
03-26-2009, 10:41 AM
Well i think its trial and error at the moment for me, but i must overcome this, no way am i staying stuck in my house forever.
Today has been interesting for me, another medication to try :D Stemitil made me feel drunk and gave me a normal headache, however i know that my body is reacting to it "what the hell is this" haha its not made me worse but infact dampend my current symptoms. I did the stand up close your eyes, feet together test for balance, normally i will sway around but...... Nothing??? pleanty of flashing stars etc but no swaying?? Amazing!!
Will have to wait to see how my body reacts over time but im confidant this medication can help me.
Flying with my girlfriend :( wish i was, im going to fly and see her, she keeps telling me not to come if i feel so bad but i cant allow that or i will have to wait unitill December to see her again :( I'm not going to be beaten :tongue:
Topcat i have no looked into IBS but i will indeed add it to me list of things to do. I will start up my diary tonight :)
03-26-2009, 11:57 AM
Stemitil made me feel drunk and gave me a normal headache,
I know everyone can react differently but I have never had any side effect from stemitil, I am supposed to take one when needed but have taken upto 3 before now without any side effects at all. Sometimes I dont take them for weeks in between.
I am glad it is helped with the swaying at least :D
03-27-2009, 03:16 AM
I actually slept last night :) not very well but i had 2 dreams that i remember yay!!
Ok so had a bad headache all last night to the point where i had to dump myself in bed early. Head in my hands breathing too fast under my bed covers to try and reduce the oxygen. Very difficut indeed to control your breathing but i tried my best.
Mild head ache this morning had a shower, had ringing in both ears after the shower which is a new one :unsure: Changed Coco shreaddies for muesli and a glass of milk, took a Stemisil tablet.
I'm at work now with No headache, Very little dizzyness, No Nuasea and a good sense of well being :) Just goes to show persistance, strength and help from some great people "you guys and girls" can make the world of good. Thank you for helping me :) Will keep posting with any news.
03-27-2009, 04:46 PM
That is really goods news :D
03-28-2009, 02:27 PM
Arrgh think i maybe getting a cold or i have some other symtoms. Every night i get feverish, hot sweaty when in bed and very cold when im out and about?? Still fighting away but i hope to got i dont get a cold or that may pose a problem if i want to get to see my amazing Girlfriend :roll:
03-30-2009, 04:58 AM
Had an interesting event on Saturday night i wanted to share here.
I was feeling pretty bad Saturday and had been invited to go to my Friends house as they was having a small party, very close to not going but i pushed myself to go. The small walk there i was pacing slowly thinking can i do this?? Anyway i made it there and straight away my friend said you look very pale, explained i wasnt great but im here all the same. 20mins later i felt slightly better then asked my friend "have i got some colour back?" She said yes you have but your forehead is very white still. Another 20mins past and i asked again as i felt even more better, "yes your colour is back now" :) Ok so what happend in the small peroid of time that did this??
Hmmm my friends were having fun making me laugh? The single glass of water i drank (They could drink beer Grrrr) or was it the fact i had been sat on my bed playing games on my laptop for most of the day before i left for the party??
Not sure which one it was but something changed my from very bad to good in 40mins. Wierd :unsure:
03-30-2009, 01:12 PM
I think you are analyzing everything too much, you may have been pale for a number of reasons, anxiety in itself can cause paleness, being cold, low blood sugar, tiredness.
If your friend hadn't commented on the way you looked you would have been none the wiser and relaxed a lot more.
03-31-2009, 02:24 AM
Hi Topcat,
Yea your right maybe i am :lol:
Looks like i have beaten the brunt of the cold i was getting now, all i have left to go is slight dizzyness and my yo-yo problem haha even those are not as bad as they have been. The medicine you recommended is definatly working a treat. I keep forgetting how many i took but no more head aches :)
04-02-2009, 03:07 AM
Feeling better than ever today :)
Only one day to go before flying to see my Girlfriend.
For the first time ever i had a great nights sleep, even if i did have a dream about having a plane crash :unsure:
04-02-2009, 03:02 PM
nice work coops, great to see you doing so well :D i'm glad you're not too worried bout the flight, i'm sure it'll be fine! keep on working, you're doing better all the time by the looks of it :)
04-03-2009, 04:31 AM
hey all :)
Im sat on the plane now it is delayed :( Something to do with bad fog in London hope i dont miss my other plane hehe.
So my palms became sweaty and my right hand started to tingle, i was thinking 'not now'. Turned on some cold air then cast my mind out of the window. funny i find it hard to look down the plane aisle, makes me feel like we are moving and makes me dizzy. Going to dig out my new glasses to see if that helps.
im still free from nausia and headaches by the way :) just need to beat this dizzy thing somehow. maybe this holiday could do the trick.
oh my tingles have gone completely now. common fly mr poilet.
04-03-2009, 05:49 AM
You are well on your way now but just want to say have a great holiday as im sure you will read this when you get there :D
Remeber to control your breathing when you get those tingles I know its hard and sometimes impossible but it really does work :)
Glad the nausea has gone.
04-21-2009, 02:15 AM
Back from my holidays now :)
Didnt suffer too bad but added to couple of things to my list the main one being the Cinema. Not sure why my dizziness became worse in there the differances are, its cold (aircon) dark, focusing on a large screen only.
Apart from that i did very well with no real attacks even though i went to many malls there, i did feel worse in the malls but nothing too harse.
As it stands now, im not taking any meds. No nausia, No head aches, Better balance, less disoriantation and dizziness, More ability to conentrate, No more feelings about wanting to get better all the time, No more inpending doom senarios.
It's still with me but i am winning now :)
04-21-2009, 01:51 PM
coops that's so excellent! i'm really glad to hear you're getting on so well now and well on the way to getting better :) also great news that you got on well on your holidays! nice work! i would say that when you feel bad in the malls it's just that you're on edge waiting for an attack, but as you get better, relax more and realise that the attacks just aren't coming anymore then you'll learn to feel fine anywhere including in malls!
remember not to overanalyse too much, don't add things to your 'list' - it's best just to take these things as isolated incidents, otherwise you run the risk of assuming you'll have an attack every time you do something from the list and put yourself even more on edge.
as for the cinema, there could be many reasons why you felt bad in there. how long was it since you ate? what was the last thing you ate? had you had much caffeine/sugar that day? had you slept well? were you guzzling sodas and sweets in the cinema lol (i know i find it hard to avoid the pick n' mix counter when i go to see a movie!).
keep going, you're doing so well, i'm very proud of you and i hope you're proud of yourself for all this hard work :)
04-22-2009, 02:33 AM
Hi NorthStar :)
I'm so happy to that im heading in the right direction still, was only thinking a moment ago that i used to drown myself with peppermint tea because i used to feel so bad.
So far im off my meds but i have started to try vitamin b complex as i want to try and give my body something back in order to cope with the loss of vitamins.
My dizziness and lack of conentration remain all be it not as bad as it has been, sometimes it gets worse but a little rest helps it calm down again. This is one of the other reasons why i started to take the vitamins as another test towards my dizziness feelings. It is funny as someone has recently posted the exact same symtoms of dizzyness as me and i cound offer at least some comfort for that person.
Only on day two on taking vitamin b complex so when i have give it a chance i will post back and let everyonme know how it effects me. Fingers crossed.
With the Cinema it happend three times to me (my girlfriend loves movies) but on all occations i did break my rules and eat popcorn and a fizzy diet coke so maybe they couls be linked. The weather is very hot there and a sudden change to the cold may have effected me im not too sure but because it happend on three seprate accasions thats why im causious.
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