View Full Version : making progresses

03-18-2009, 08:59 PM
As the past months been really hard on me things are slowly getting better...
Slowly but surely...
This weekend I went to the Saint Patrick's day Parade at first i felt my anxiety coming and then started to calm down and relax...
The same day the dog escaped and at this point i felt so anxious my husband and family spent 4 hours looking for the dog without luck... I was getting ready to grab my bottle of Xanax but as bad as it was i did not ( the dogo went to a slummer party at a teen house thanks to the people next door ).
We also went to lunch and that helped I felt anxious for a while and tonight we went to dinner and the ice cream parlor... I' m trying as much as I can to go places and try to control the anxiety that I have....
I also took the bus to go to one point of the city to the other the bus was packed and I was so proud of myself I felt at one point that I needed to get out but stayed in and always thought that my stop was getting closer and closer.
It's feel really good.

03-28-2009, 06:03 PM
congratulations son your victory!