View Full Version : I am really scared.

03-15-2009, 02:45 PM
On Wednesday I am having a tube with camera put down my throat, this is to see if anything from throat to stomach is causing my panic attacks. But i am scared it will go wrong. I am having iv sedation but scared i will have apanic attackw with tube down my throat.

anyone had this procedure. whats it like, will i know whats happening

03-15-2009, 03:56 PM
On Wednesday I am having a tube with camera put down my throat, this is to see if anything from throat to stomach is causing my panic attacks. But i am scared it will go wrong. I am having iv sedation but scared i will have apanic attackw with tube down my throat.

anyone had this procedure. whats it like, will i know whats happening

Actually, I've had this done, and to make my procedure even more difficult then yours, I had a piece of my upper intestine removed to test for celiac disease. I was nervous going in to the procedure, but all in all it was a absolutely simple and easy. While they don't fully put you under, you are put in a pretty relaxing state where you probably won't even remember much of what happened. All in all, my worrying was really not needed for how easy the whole experience was.