View Full Version : Anyone gone through Lexapro withdrawal?

03-14-2009, 12:21 AM
I have been on Lexapro since June 2008 for Anxiety and Depression. Due to stressful situation, and chronic pain (cervical disc problems, headaches). I was put on 10 mg. In Sept. I was put on Cymbalta 30mg as well. Before lexapro from March to June I was on a low dose of Prozac.

Anyhow my doctor had me do 5mg for a month and two weeks ago he said just to stop it, and upped my cymbalta to 60 mg. This past week or so I've been experiencing bad tension headaches, more stiffness and tension in my neck and upper back. I feel a little anxiety so I take a klonopin .25mg.

However now I am getting headaches, and itchy scalp with nerves feelings and previously when I had a headache Tylenol 3 worked good, now it doesn't work good long enough. So three days ago I tried another medicine Midrin that is for tension/migraine headaches that you can take four caps a day. It seemed to help, not as good as Tylenol three but I can take it every four hours so that is the benefit.

Emotionally I feel great when my headache is gone or tolerable, but when I can't shake it it can be upsetting. So my emotions so far haven't suffered much, but I'm afraid they might.

I see my neuro this wed, see if he can give me trigger points or something, if not I'll have to get a hold of my psych doc and see what he thinks.

These headache symptoms are the reason I went on this medication aside from being severely depressed and anxiety.

Is this normal to have headaches for awhile?

Any thoughts?