View Full Version : could the area i live in be the problem for my anxiety!!!

03-13-2009, 03:08 AM
ok now i am lived in this area sine i was like 8 years old and when i was 15 i got really bad generalized anxiety with panic attacks which led to agoriaphobia and depression i am now 23.
i have lived with my gf and her parents for about 3 years on and off but i noticed when i was there i had a few diff jobs.and my anxiety wasnt really that bad.

i have never worked at all when i live where i was bought up and where my depression started.
the area is full of young family's and alot of different nationalitys and this a lower middle class area.

but when i am here i never want to do anything im allways paranoid when i go out the house and my anxiety allways seems worse i pretty much feel helpless here.im also very unmotivated and no confidence.like i wanna get a plumbing apprenticeship but the days and weeks and months keep rolling past im still here doing nothing.

me and my gf went to bundaberg in qld for about a year and i was fine no anxiety at all really we worked up there and it was great.im from adelaide

so anyways can where i live play a big part in my anxiety and getting better?


03-24-2009, 09:31 PM
In your current situation, do you smoke cigarettes and drink socially with the people close to you? Do any of the people you hang around make you feel bad about yourself? Sometimes the scenery in your life can play a role in anxiety, although moving will not cure your ailment. You have to come up with a plan. Find a doctor that you feel comfortable with. Stay away from drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes (they make you feel anxious, depressed, and like you are drowning in a life that doesn't make sense) Thinking becomes muddled, and insecurities run high when there are many toxins in your body.
Do you know anyone that you are very comfortable with, lives a healthy lifestyle, and makes you laugh? That, along with changing lifestyle habits, and perhaps Celexa, Paxil, Lexapro, etc. (they might make you sleepy or anxious the first two weeks... but you can get through it) could make a huge change inside YOU. If none of this works, maybe a change in scenery would do you well. Good luck... I have been in your shoes!