View Full Version : Why do i worry so much!

03-11-2009, 09:56 PM
Yes as the heading explains, im a worry wart! Ive had anxiety for 6years or so, and i seen countless docs, had all the tests done and given the all clear. Its the fact that when i had to go to the docs today to get a script, my blood pressure was high. She didnt tell me but i asked, " Hows the old BP going?" She said, " its a bit high." And that was that. Thing is i know about white coat syndrome and sometimes when i go to the doc my BP is okay. My doc knows its all anxiety related, but im yet to comprehend it completely. MY major concern right at this moment is in regards to, maybe thats it its been a battle for 6 or so years maybe all that stress has completely given me a permanent high BP. Im only 23 and i know the truth its just i cant calm myself down enough to realise. Any reassuring words would be so great!!

thanks!!!! :)

03-12-2009, 07:51 AM
You worry so much because you have this stupid disease/disorder.
Once I got away from one abusing control freak and my bipolar buddies, quit work and stopped the pill, my bp went down and stayed down.
It only goes up when i get too anxious or angry.

Hang in there!
You're not alone.