View Full Version : Relief from anxiety

03-10-2009, 06:09 PM
Please rate yourself right now on a scale from 1-10 your anxiety level. Then read my whole post down to the end.

Undoubtedly, you have suffered in the past. As bad as you used to feel is proof of how much emotion you have available. Obviously, there is good and bad emothions and realizing you have all that emotion proves that you believe you have potential to change emothion. As you are starting to improve your mood, you begin to realize there is a small potential for happiness.

Because you're starting to realize potential happiness you notice that it gives you hope, and it’s this glimmer of hope that causes you to experience positive Just a little bit right now.

The more you think about this, the more you know you have hope. And your realizing this hope, causes you to improve your mood, subtle as it may be. At least you are starting to notice improvement subtle or not.

In fact, just having hope, you can't help but imagine a brighter future for yourself. And just knowing that its possible, can't help but improve your mood just a tad more.

Now rate how you feel on a scale of 1-10 again and notice the slight difference.

03-10-2009, 07:26 PM
Anxiety level at the start is a 1. By the time I got through the read I had to go pop a Xanax. :lol:
Just kidding… You make a great point, you have to seriously want to be better then you were before the anxiety issue was ever an issue. Without that hope or want the road would look awfully dark.