View Full Version : I hate how my dad is nasty to me because I've got no friends
03-10-2009, 04:30 PM
I hate how all he worrys about is how Im in the house all the time and that Im never going to move out
My Dad is sort of the same way. :( He's really social and outgoing but I'm not. I stick to my own small circle of friends and that's it. I also spend a lot of time online but he seems to really want me to be more social. When I was about 16 or 17, he started really trying to push me into uncomfortable situations but he finally gave up, he pretty much leaves me alone now I think although he'll mention it every so often.
I hope your Dad comes to understand and leaves you be. :(
03-18-2009, 03:16 PM
with me it's the fact that I always get bad luck in the sort of people I meet :cry:
03-27-2009, 10:20 PM
Is he nasty to you? That doesn't sound very nice... In what way?
How old are you? I am only asking because you say that your dad wants you to move out...
03-29-2009, 01:49 PM
Im 22 and the few friends that I have got don't want to see me :cry:
04-07-2009, 08:24 PM
Hi help_me, my dad is also a big jerk. For years he has belittled me for not living up to his expectations. I finally figured out that the problem is not's him. I was talking to a friend of mine recently about his behavior and they were sympathizing and I said "oh, it's's not like he just started being a jerk. I've accepted it" and I realized that I had accepted him. His comments can still bother me, but I have to let them go.
It sounds like your dad is a big jerk. I'm sorry you feel like your friends don't want to see you...they're not very good friends. Do you have a support group or something you could go to? It's a good way to make some friends that understand anxiety and mood disorders.
04-09-2009, 05:33 PM
Im 22 and the few friends that I have got don't want to see me :cry:
well often it's just luck, what friends (or in fact not friends) you get.. so you can't really mourn about it, head up, look for new ones, better ones
04-12-2009, 03:14 PM
I always look for new friends
05-03-2009, 01:44 PM
well I'm sorry youre having trouble meeting new friends but in the meantime at the least you have everyone here for support and you can always talk here! just outta curiousity where are you from? :D
05-03-2009, 03:10 PM
Moving out may be scary, but it's not such a bad idea. It would get you out from your nasty father's influence. Right now, he is the biggest contributor to your anxiety, and if you could find a way to get out from under his wing, that would be great. However, be sure to have someone you can go to for some emotional support because you won't last long on your own if you don't have emotional support. This can come from friends, your mother if she's helpful, a counselor, or a support group, which someone previously mentioned. Being out on your own will be scary and have its challenges, but having that emotional support will help you to meet the challenge! Good luck in whatever you choose to do, but be sure to have help in place when you go out on your own! And, be sure to talk to people here also if you need, and please give us updates!
05-04-2009, 05:01 AM
I am just wondering if you are working fulltime or going to college? or maybe both? do you help pay for some of the bills around the house?? if not then maybe this is where your father is having issues. if this is not the case then i just cannot understand how any father of any child, other then a troublemaker, would treat a child differently depending on how popular they are. i hvae never even heard of such a thing. if your parents are truly there for you and they know that you are having trouble making friends, they should be there to be your best friends if anything!! i hope this situation gets better for you, and i think that it would help if you try to talk to your father about how he is making you feel worse, and like you are damaged goods in a way.. hang in there and keep your head up..
05-10-2009, 12:38 PM
my dad wants me to be like my brother and sister they were in the popular crowd at school and always had loads of friends and were never in.
I have no friends and am always in and my parents have always hated that
05-14-2009, 06:46 AM
I hate how all he worrys about is how Im in the house all the time and that Im never going to move out
You have to be comfortable with the people you are with. If your dad is very social - great - he's a lucky guy and he's happy that way. That doesn't mean that you will be the same. I have a son with Aspergers and he never plays with any of the kids on our block, but he is a happy child - he says he never feels lonely. I think we have to be comfortable in our own skin before we can invite others into our lives in a meaningful way. And - there is nothing wrong with being alone if you enjoy your own company. This makes the social butterflies confused, but we're all different. Work on getting happy and comfortable with yourself and you'll attract all kinds of wonderful people to you.
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