View Full Version : anxiety and my first job

03-09-2009, 04:29 PM
so I filled out an application today for a job that I think I'm going to get, but I've been thinking about all the things that can go wrong with my anxiety, like what if I have an attack and they fire me and such things, does anyone have any uplifting stories about their anxiety and jobs? Or any tips as to what to do to help their anxiety?

03-09-2009, 07:26 PM
I will suggest telling your employer about your anxiety or get a letter from your doctor. They cannot fired you for a medical conditions.
Good luck on the new job

03-10-2009, 12:54 PM
I will suggest telling your employer about your anxiety or get a letter from your doctor. They cannot fired you for a medical conditions.
Good luck on the new job

Good point. Also, if you are having an intense anxiety attack, give yourself a covert break. Go and use the bathroom for a few minutes while you relax (just make sure that you don't overdo this and arouse the suspicions of others).

Employers can vary widely on their treatment of others with medical conditions. My experience is that working in human services related professions people tend to be more understanding of the challenges others have, and admitting your anxiety in these situations is generally of great benefit. Employers that value money (which is the vast majority of employers) can be hit-and-miss. Some are understanding, some are not.

However, it is a good risk to take and if this job does not respect your struggles, then find another one, or just use this one while you look for another.

Good luck and give updates on what happens!

03-13-2009, 03:14 AM
all i can say is make sure you be honest with ya boss and what i did was just ask alot of questions.
like if your not sure what to do dont sit there and worry about not knowing what to do just ask.

i found it very help full when i was working to ask questions and it seemed to settle my anxiety.

03-17-2009, 03:40 AM
Don't work yourself up by being anxious about what might not ever need dealing with!

Worst case is you get a bit anxious but you'll deal with it! By virtue of the fact that you applied for a job and have a good chance of getting it shows how well you're capable of dealing with stress and uncertainty!