View Full Version : What do I have?

03-09-2009, 03:06 PM
I tend to avoid people because I'm afraid that I will not know what to say to them and making things like a perturbing silence that will make things bad for me.

When I was on the hospital I didn't find the room 1 & 2 that were on the right of the waiting room where I was, and some people that were called to the 3 to 7 rooms didn't go left as supposed to, according to the signals. This make me nervous not knowing what would happen when I was called. When I was called to room 2 I stood searching for room 2 and someone kindly indicated me then room 2(The room was inside another waiting room so that's because I didn't find it).

I tend to avoid new places because I want to avoid the frustration of doing something wrong and be mocked by it.

The worse for me is that I was badly treated by people for things that I don't even know. These people didn't even had the dignity to explain themselves or to apologize for the things they said. What a bastards!
So if I had difficulties in dealing with other peoples I have even more now! Not only for being badly treated but too for not knowing of what I'm accused for. I don't know what to expect from the person that I'm going to talk to, because of my ignorance about what the person thinks about me. So I'm afraid about the person reaction.

So what do I have? I'm just a baby, anxious or what?