View Full Version : Questions I'm tired of being asked...

03-05-2009, 09:41 PM
I've been sitting here thinking and going over my anxiety... doing some relaxation breathing (or trying) and doing this just got me upset.

I'm really getting tired of being asked the following questions;

What are you worried about?
What do you have to be anxious about?
What do you think is the underlying issue of your anxiety?

and these phrases...
"just get over it..."
"just relax"
"don't think so much"

Honestly I used to think that when you ask someone how they are doing, you in general really care to know.

A lot of people including my therapist ask me those questions. I guess I am a bit frustrated. I mean if you are going to ask me what I'm worried and anxious for... be prepared for a long conversation.

And why do people assume that a persons worry is not that big of a deal? Maybe not to them right?

I mean some people worry about leaving the house just to check the mail, some worry about driving to a strange city. I may not have a problem with those but then again I may have issues with being more than 10 minutes from a hospital. I guess it is hard to come across people who seem like they really don't care or want to even try and take other peoples feelings, fears into consideration.

I'm just tired of people asking me those questions when I think deep down they don't want to know... or take the time to hear the answers.

Sorry this turned out to be more of a vent than anything else.


03-06-2009, 09:15 PM
This is a pet peeve of mine as well. It's not really the fact they ask what is wrong it's the fact they say like how you told us "just get over it, think of something else". Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that before? Oh...that's right. I have tried that a ZILLION times and it all circles back around. If it were that siple I wouldn't have a "disorder" in the first place because I would have the problem solved. Just because it's easier for them to do it doesn't mean that everyones brain works in the same way. Plus what I go thru might be more vexing than you getting short changed at the McD's drive thru or something easy to shrug off.

03-08-2009, 09:02 PM
some people worry about leaving the house just to check the mail

what's wrong with that?