View Full Version : What about these symptoms?

03-04-2009, 12:47 AM
I am trying to find out if I can link these symptoms with anxiety disorder.

I started to have random night sweats, like once a week maybe. I don't sweat a lot, just a bit and only near my neck and arms. I don't have soaking wet clothes when I wake up.
What about leg weakness? or leg joint weakness?
Can it be from anxiety/stress...to much thoughts about my health?

03-04-2009, 01:12 AM
These things you have mentioned absolutely can be from an anxiety disorder. Are you having any bad dreams or not sleeping well? Sometimes you can get night sweats from that as well, and also keep in mind that sometimes they just happen, but if its a regular thing then you might want to find out what's goin on at night! And the leg thing could be something that you might be thinking about a lot which is causing you to think its happening a lot, but your just kinda making it happen? Does that make sense? Such as if I keep thinking my leg hurts I might actually start to think it hurts. Well feel better !!

03-04-2009, 02:07 AM
These things you have mentioned absolutely can be from an anxiety disorder. Are you having any bad dreams or not sleeping well? Sometimes you can get night sweats from that as well, and also keep in mind that sometimes they just happen, but if its a regular thing then you might want to find out what's goin on at night! And the leg thing could be something that you might be thinking about a lot which is causing you to think its happening a lot, but your just kinda making it happen? Does that make sense? Such as if I keep thinking my leg hurts I might actually start to think it hurts. Well feel better !!

As a whole, I sleep well. But I am always thinking about something, especially something bad, related to my health. I EDITED THE TEXT, I DON'T SWEAT BADLY, ONLY A BIT.
As I remember, night sweats should worry somebody only if they are every night and very bad sweats...
What about floaters? To be honest, couple of months ago I didn't pay attention to all things my body did, but now I worry about everything, and I don't know which is normal and which is not...

03-07-2009, 10:46 AM
I am trying to find out if I can link these symptoms with anxiety disorder.

I started to have random night sweats, like once a week maybe. I don't sweat a lot, just a bit and only near my neck and arms. I don't have soaking wet clothes when I wake up.
What about leg weakness? or leg joint weakness?
Can it be from anxiety/stress...to much thoughts about my health?

smells like stress, yet insuficcient for diagnosis of an anxiety disorder. if interested in reading good net material on anx and deprs. send me private message (still cannot post links as am new to the forum, and they have this spamming issue)

take care
get rest