View Full Version : seriously struggling

03-03-2009, 11:17 PM
my anxiety is really killing me. ive had obsessive thoughts about not loving my boyfriend, not wanting to be with him for months. deep down i know i have got to love him, i dont want to be apart, but i still obsess and convince myself that i dont love him even though ive got family & my boyfriend who knows me best telling me this is just my anxiety and ill get through it. how how how can i get through this and save my relationship, i really need some advice, i dont want to lose him, hes so great for me.

03-11-2009, 11:24 AM
WHOA!!!! Hold on there...

i dont want to lose him, hes so great for me.

You just said it all right there!!! You know these are just thoughts...you know you don't really feel that way...if you did it wouldn't be causing you such discomfort. Its human to question a relationship, you're just allowing your questioning of such a thing to scare you when you shouldn't...its completely natural...i bet there isn't one person on this forum who hasn't, at one point or another, thought about whether they really love the person they're with! Try to stop thinking that having this thought says something negative about you, reclassify it as an absolutely normal thought.
What do you think having this thought says about you? Because it certainly doesnt mean that you dont love him...in fact i think quite the opposite...you sound dangerously in love to me!

03-19-2009, 12:18 AM
sorry it took me so long to respond! thank you for your encouraging words. i look at what you said and it all makes SENSE you know? but somehow i always jump back on the i dont love him train. but i really dont think thats the case? ive read so many other ppl on this forum having problems with the EXACT same thing, i think that for some reason i just cant get myself to actually GET IT that DUH i love him..[/code]

03-23-2009, 01:17 AM
sorry it took me so long to respond! thank you for your encouraging words. i look at what you said and it all makes SENSE you know? but somehow i always jump back on the i dont love him train. but i really dont think thats the case? ive read so many other ppl on this forum having problems with the EXACT same thing, i think that for some reason i just cant get myself to actually GET IT that DUH i love him..[/code]

Have you tried talking to him about this obsessive thoughts? Personally I don't know how understanding he is as a person so use your best judgment but I find it that it helps me a lot when I talk about these stupid thoughts to people I trust. As long as you let him know that they are only "unwanted" thoughts and not trying to breakup with him (yeah wording should be very precise in this case I suppose) than i hope that you can find peace of mind.