View Full Version : on new years eve I went to Wales with my mum and dad and we

03-02-2009, 03:40 AM
stayed with there friends.

But they took us out for a meal really really early in the evening and then we spent the rest of New Years eve in there cold farm house. Also my mum's friend's mum stayed as well.
My mum's friend kept saying that all the taxis were fully booked HOW STUPID WAS THAT

everyone thourt we were weird because we weren't staying for the disco and fancy dress party

back at the house I wasen't even alowed the music channels on they wanted to watch this crappy Elton John thing and the shit bands and artists that he had on and I spent New Years eve talking to a bird


03-02-2009, 05:20 AM
Well my lifelong best friend has just found out that she has a potentially serious (possibly life threatening) medical problem and is about to undergo tests.

Geat a grip and wake up to real world.

03-02-2009, 04:06 PM
sorry to hear about your friend topcat, i hope things work out for the best :(

03-02-2009, 04:22 PM
Im sorry too. But what has that got to do with what I did for new years eve?

03-03-2009, 02:33 AM
Im sorry too. But what has that got to do with what I did for new years eve?

Help_Me you seem to believe you have a bad deal in life, you hate a lot of things and you seem to wish that your life was different in some way.

It is sometimes a bit frustrating reading your posts and being unable to help you to see things from a different angle. My friend has nothing to do with New Years Eve, I was pointing out that there are a far worse things that can happen in life.

New Year was two months ago I am sure you are not the only one and you wont be the last to have a rotten New Year, anyway New Year is over rated, it annoys me that people feel under pressure to have a great time an do something fantastic. Stop wishing you can change the past, accept its happened, learn from it and move on.

03-03-2009, 09:29 AM
very true top cat, my new years eve was spent in bed at 10pm by myself after my girlfriend had dumped me and i had lost my job due to the recession and was left wondering how i was going to pay my rent. Sure i felt like crap but i realised like top cat has pointed out there are ALOT of people out there in way worse situations. You are moaning about not being able to watch a t.v channel? How old are you helpme?

03-03-2009, 01:57 PM
I just hate how I always have a shit new years eve :cry:

I thourt that my parents alowing me to come to Wales with them would make it good but how very wrong I was

But it was better then the one the year before

but the other thing that got to me was my parents friends are so boring they don't even have a CD player in there house so there was no music and dancing and they don't even have the internet and it also annoyed me how my mum's friends old and frial mother was with us the whole time. Don't get me wrong I like her and everything but she's got that horrible frial old lady look that freaks me out

also everyone else of my age was out at a really cool party :cry:

03-03-2009, 04:22 PM
You went Wales... Cool whereabouts? I am going there at the weekend to stay with my relatives for my 21st birthday :D

03-03-2009, 04:49 PM
it was north Wales near Abordarren (sorry about the spelling)

03-03-2009, 05:39 PM
I had to work after my boyfriend left me. so i was at work surrounded by happy couples kissing, knowing that my boyfriend was at home moving his stuff out. life sucks, you just have to get over it.

03-04-2009, 06:20 AM
I would have hated to have been working and watching people getting drunk and having fun :|