View Full Version : 23yo male trying to make a start in life plz read

03-01-2009, 08:20 PM
hi all im a 23 year old male and i have had generalised anxiety disorder with panic attacks and agoriaphobia/depression since i was 14.
now i have gotten over the agoriaphobia stage of my life and with the help of lovan my depression is alot better.

i really want to get my life into shape i have a lot of potential but my problems just wont let me use it.
im trying to get an plumbing apprenticeship.
but since i was 14 i would say ive worked 2 years in my life.
and the work as been with people i know so i wasnt as nervous.
but i just cant seem to get out there and do it.
ive been doing nothing really for so many years due to my condition which is a lot better than it was.
but its soo hard like i know what i wanna do and where i wanna be when im 30 but i dont know where to start and what to do.
there isnt much support out there for young people with disorders to help them get started.

i get so frustrated because i wanna do something with my life but there is something there stoping me.

did anyone go through this?
anyadvice you can give?
also id love to hear your story of the simmilar problem.

03-03-2009, 01:27 PM
The best place to start is right at the beginning, and you only need take baby steps to make progress!

What exactly is stopping you chasing after what you want? If you were to push those fears aside, what would be the first step you needed to take in order to achieve your goals by 30?