View Full Version : speech impairment

02-23-2009, 06:53 PM
Hello all,
When my anxiety is really high (like the past few days for instance) i have a tough time speaking. I tend to drift off while talking to people and have a tough time concentrating on what i'm saying. I haven't seen anyone else on here with this problem, so yeah. any advice?

02-23-2009, 11:25 PM
Hello all,
When my anxiety is really high (like the past few days for instance) i have a tough time speaking. I tend to drift off while talking to people and have a tough time concentrating on what i'm saying. I haven't seen anyone else on here with this problem, so yeah. any advice?

I actually do the same thing sometimes. Like I will be in the middle of a conversation and I will be about to make a point and then I will forget what the point was. It can be frustrating but hey it happens to everyone, even people without anxiety.

02-24-2009, 04:35 AM
I do this all the time i'll say something and forget i what i just said or was going to say next. Also someone will say something to me ill respond then completely forget what was said even if it was 5 seconds before. Anxiety definitely affects your memory.

02-26-2009, 12:24 PM
Wow, I also get this. And because of my perfectionism, I end up guilting myself into focusing about 500% in order to get everything out. By the time I'm done while almost being in a dream like state, I realize that I totally screwed up what I was saying. As a result to this then, I end up feeling pretty frustrated and depressed.

02-26-2009, 07:40 PM
Yeah, I get this really bad. Pretty much when I'm talking to anyone other than my closest friends and immediate family. I used to be so articulate, but now I can barely hold a conversation together. It's even worse as I am currently working as a waiter/barman and i have an incredibly difficult time remembering orders as my mind races off on incredibly fast tangents. I will end up having to come back to customers and ask them what they wanted again... very embarassing.