View Full Version : Help Please Newbie

02-22-2009, 04:23 PM
Hello everyone, i just registered to this site after lurking around here for a while. I am a 23 year old male, vegetarian , eat fairly healthy, don't drink, but i do smoke ( cut down to about 5 and under a day). do cardio 4 times a week 25 minutes a day

Last saturday i was watching a movie smoking some marijuana when i got m first attack, felt like i was having a heart attack, had to get out of my house ASAP, picked up the p[hone was going to call 911. I was finally able to clam down and passout, the next day i was lightheaded all day, this lightheadedness has lasted for a week. It is all day long, cloudy fuzzy feeling like im high all day when im not. I can't handle it , and i get the occasional attack feeling, panicked and it usually happens early evening when it starts getting dark out. Later on in the night i am a little relaxed and i feel generally good, but the damn lightheadedness... i cannot function properly.

I went to 2 different doctors both took blood pressure , heart rate said it was good. Got blood tests and an EKG on wenesday, and haven't got a call back yet. i also recently saw a family physchiatrist from previous incidents, and he assured me it was anxiety panic.

Has anyone had this prolonged lightheadedness lasting all day, how long is it going to last.... i am not on any meds but i do take a varity of vitamins/multivitamins. Both my parents have helped me soo far , because they both have been victims of anxiety /panic attacks

I went out with friends last night, first time i have been out with friends in 2 years, and it was good the anxiety somewhat went away , and at the end of the night i felt good. Tonight i am hanging out with this girl, and she knows of the problem, but i am fearing for the coming attack and night.

i just want that normal feeling again...fucking lightheadedness :(.

sorry to ramble on, thanks for taking the time to read this , and give any help advice which is greatly needed.

02-23-2009, 01:18 AM
Hey, I was like you, I had to quit smoking bud b/c of my anxiety. I do feel a lot better for it. I know with some people it helps, but with others it just brings on a sense of paranoia. I suggest quitting.

As for the light headedness, that will go away when you calm yourself down enough. Fearing an anxiety attack is just a vicious circle. Because of your fear it will bring on more anxiety attacks. You just have to remember, although the symptoms are very real, it will not kill you. You need to surround yourself around people who are understanding and can be comforting, that way you know in the event of an anxiety attack, you can always calm yourself down then go back to hanging out.

It has surprised me on multiple occasions, people I thought would laugh at me for having anxiety, are actually incredibly understanding.

Welcome to the world of anxiety! It can feel very lonely, but remember as long as you open up, you will have a great support system.

02-23-2009, 03:05 AM
hi samba, arykalinn is right about suggesting you try giving up the marijuana as it may be the direct cause of your anxiety problems. it's known to cause anxiety and panic, although many of us don't know that because we're told that it will help to relax, but for many people this is just not true. you might like to give it up for a couple of weeks to see if there is any effect and hopefully your head will start to clear as you begin to relax and feel better again :)

you may also like to have a look at this thread: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087 it's got lots of things to try to help with the anxiety, i hope you find it a bit helpful :)

02-23-2009, 05:01 PM
thanks for the support and advice guys. it helps alot, i jsut don't understand why the lightheadedness is here almost a week and a half later, if it was gone then i would be happy . I wouldn't mind about the occasional attack but lightheaded all day everyday.... itsss soo hard.

02-26-2009, 06:07 AM
After I stopped smoking bud I have had anxiety severly (i rarely leave my house maybe once a week and so far no type of medication has worked on me) . I havent smoked bud in 4 almost 5 months and i get so light headed for some reason. I wont move or anything and all of a sudden I am hit with my head being light and sometimes my ears start to ring and I come close to passing out everytime. I once acually fell and I had no idea why. I also cant sleep and every 2 days sometimes 3 I do sleep for 4 hours but even if i do sleep normal (well if you consider 10 am to 4 pm normal lol) then it still happens to me and I have no clue why. I read about your so i thought to share what i go through so you know your not alone.

02-26-2009, 11:05 AM
i have never smoked anything, but totally get the lightheaded feeling that can linger for weeks, everyday! it is by far my most distressing symptom cause it literally makes me feel like i cant function. driving is wierd, and i really hate going far from home when i get this. i take vitamins also: b-complex, vit c, magnesium, and fish oil w/omega 3. nothing really helps much, it just has 2 run its course. eventually it goes away, altho dont be surprised to find it come back. hang in there!