View Full Version : Anyone tried natural method to cure anxiety

02-20-2009, 08:20 AM
Hi everyone,

I am pretty new on the forums and I find this place a place where "at least" we can discuss some of our anxiety problems and remove a bit of tension.


02-20-2009, 04:01 PM
welcome precious007 :) if you're looking for natural methods then take a look here: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

hope that helps :)

02-21-2009, 03:40 AM
Hey, welcome to the board :)
I got rid of my anxiety a couple years by doing a lot of meditation and "talking myself up" when I was having an anxiety attack. If you meditate a few times a day, even when you're not feeling anxious, it helps clear your mind, lower your blood pressure and helps you to become in tune to your body's needs.

As for talking myself up...When I had an anxiety attack I would tell myself that I was going to live, I had too much stuff to do that day to die (that always made me at least chuckle a bit).

Also, I read this online that Anxiety is on the more creative side of your brain (I think it's your left). If you busy yourself with mathematic equations it'll help busy the opposite part of your brain. I used to go through times tables in my head, then create my own math problems. I probably got a good majority of the answers wrong, because it was hard to think straight, but it'd deff. help!

Hope this helps a little bit. Good luck!

02-22-2009, 07:47 AM
There is a natural supplement I've purchased recently called 5-HTP. I've heard this can be really effective. However, I have not yet tried it due to the fact that I'm always afraid of meds. I'll let you guys know how it works after I do.

02-23-2009, 06:03 AM
I've heard from many people that natural methods DO actually help sometimes. Although I'm skeptical of them myself.

02-23-2009, 09:22 AM
I've heard from many people that natural methods DO actually help sometimes. Although I'm skeptical of them myself.

i managed to recover fully from extreme anxiety without taking medication. the only time i took drugs was when the panic was so bad i was in danger of actually hurting myself, happend about 3 times and i took a half a xanex each time (which to be honest didn't really help, i still felt bad). it was hard work, diet & lifestyle change and good therapy that pulled me through and i am a firm believer that all these things will help far more than just taking medication without doing anything else. meds can certainly be helpful, but we need to support ourselves by working on it ourselves too - i haven't met a single person who said that medication sorted out their problem completely :(

if you want to see the kinds of things i did to help me get better then follow the link that i gave on my first post in this thread, it's linked to another post on this forum where i wrote out everything that can help.

02-23-2009, 03:15 PM
meds can certainly be helpful, but we need to support ourselves by working on it ourselves too - i haven't met a single person who said that medication sorted out their problem completely :(

Meds can also hurt, though. Side effects can be VERY significant, and to the point that they are worse than the anxiety problem itself. Addiction can also be a problem, as I have actually known a couple of people who became addicted to antidepressants (and have heard of legions more). I also firmly believe that MANY people whose anxiety would just dissipate on its own with time NEVER recover because they are on meds. Combine this with the fact that taking antidepressants sends a subconscious message that you are 'broken' (and therefore MUST take pills), and you can see that they are not the best course of action - especially if you have tried nothing else for your anxiety.

02-28-2009, 11:43 PM
I'm not 100 percent anxiety free but I have just recently decided that I was goin to take this on without medication. My doctor prescribed Zoloft about a month ago and I refused to take it. I've bought two books, Stop Anxiety Now Kit and Natural Remedies to Cure Anxiety (I think that's the name..). Reading those two books and changing diet, adding vitamins, and EXERCISE have made my anxiety at least 85% better. I haven't had a panic attack in the past month and I was having them DAILY. It seriously just makes such a difference. Good luck!