View Full Version : Help with symptoms

02-19-2009, 09:14 AM
Hi there,

I've had problems with panic attacks and general anxiety for the last 4 years and it's been the worst experience of my life.

Does anyone else out there get this particular feeling/symptom as I can't find anything on it on the net which gives me more anxiety.

A feeling of pressure on the stomach (not tummy or abdomen) higher up torso, just under chest? Where in realsity your stomach actually sits. This feeling will increases more and more until I can't bare it and feel like there's no way of getting away from the feeling then I seem to crack emotionally with it.

Just trying to work out if this really is a common stress feeling or something else. Any help much appreciated. Thankyou.


02-19-2009, 12:54 PM
Feeling like that right now.Upper stomach tense/pulsing awful experience.Can't say if it's common but at least you know your not alone.
Tell it to sod off. Since I've started replying to this post it's going away as I type,I've had a particually stressfull day so I'm putting mine down to that.It's gone,no it's back.I put mine down to a build up of gas as if I've drank too much fizzy pop cos somtimes I get hiccups and a good burp often helps.

02-19-2009, 01:32 PM
i know exactly what you mean, i felt quite a lot of my anxiety in that exact spot when i was going through tough times. i used to burn with it especially at night when i was trying to sleep and thought it would drive me crazy. so it seems you're not alone feeling like this. i still feel it sometimes when i'm feeling a bit stressed, but never anything as extreme as when i had the bad axiety. i don't know exactly what causes the feeling (i have a weird theory that its the pancreas lol but i'm not a doctor or a scientist so i have no real say in the matter) but what i do know is that it's a reaction in the body to stress and by making an attempt at relieving the stress in your life it can really help. that's gonna be hard after 4 stressed out years of anxiety but it is possible to get better.

if you'd like a couple of tips on dealing with anxiety then you might like to have a look at this other thread i posted: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087 i hope it helps & i hope you're feeling ok again soon, it must have been though going through this for 4 years now, you deserve a break.

02-24-2009, 04:49 AM

Just wanted to say thank you for both your replies - I printed off the info in the links Northstar which has been really helpful.

Thanks for taking the time to reply :)

02-24-2009, 09:56 AM

I have had that feeling a lot in the past. The doc told me that your stomach opening actually is right there and a lot of times it is due to acid. I used prilosec otc for 2 weeks and it helped tremendously. I still get flare ups of it from time to time when my anxiety is really bad.

02-26-2009, 09:51 AM
i get this too! And sometimes it kinda makes me feel short of breathe cause of the pressure on my belly. it's very hard to decribe but i know exactly how you feel!