View Full Version : Anxiety.xx

02-18-2009, 07:10 PM
Hi everyone,

Sorry to post again,

I feel a bit tired, and like i have no energy at the moment, I feel like i am a bit slow in reacting to what people are saying, and feel like i dont exsist.

I have a cold and i am very anxious that i will end up in bed for a week cos it got really bad like it did last time, and i dont want to be ill cos my parents are going away at the weekend.

Im scared im dying even more than usual at the moment and i just dont feel my self, which is making my anxiety worse, therefore making my symptoms worse, which is like a vicious circle.

Has anyone had this, and how long has it took you to get over a cold? how did you deal with it?

Please reply i feel so lonely and down at the moment and i just need a bit of reasurrance or a friend xx

02-19-2009, 01:58 AM

Don't worry I know its horrible when you feel unwell and it does make anxiety worse, a couple of years ago I had a really bad chest infection with a stomach virus and I was so ill I couldnt get out of bed for days and I kept crying thinking I was dying, but then I kept reminding myself that it was only a short term illness and that i would feel better again.

I know its hard to focus on your thoughts when you feel ill and if your anything like me then any small illness makes you think the worse but we are in fact the lucky ones because we are not dying and do not have a terminal illness.

Just try to stay positive and before you know it you will be on the mend :)

02-19-2009, 08:39 PM
Just try to stay positive and before you know it you will be on the mend :)

Yeah, being positive works wonders. Its a good start to healing. I suggest you just go to your doctor/local pharmacy and get advice for your cold. It doesn't help if you constantly worry yourself over your cold,but not do anything about it yeah.

buy some panadol cold and let the medicine take its course ok.. =)
Hope you'l be well soon.