View Full Version : is there any other medical problem along with anxiety

02-18-2009, 12:16 PM
ive been suffering with anxiety/panic attack since December and idk if it runs in my family cuz im adopted i don't live with my real parents but is there any other medical problem that i could be going through i haven't been feeling my self not one bit i see my general doctor alot and she tells me nothing is going to happen to me im going to be just fine but im scared ive had ekg's done and their nothing wrong with my heart but here and there i have pains in that area and my heart beats rele fast wen i try to do the smallest things like get off the couch or something my muscles twitch in my abdomen arm back legs i jus don't know what is wrong im on this anti depressant paxil 20mg but i havent been takin it cuz ima real scary person nd i recently got hit in the head fightin and ive had the same headache for a week now but thats a diffrent story smh i just dont know is there anything i can do to make me feel better im really worried for my life im 17 im young i never felt this way before nd i dont want to go through this anymore and i also wanted to knooo im guessin it my tonsil but its a gland in ma throat thats always swollen somtymes wen im upset its swells more but is this happenin along with my anxiety or is it somthing different

02-18-2009, 05:09 PM
Seeing that you've had an ekg, you're more then likely ok. I also had one done about 4 years ago when I began having pains in my chest and in my left arm. Of course, nothing was found. The Doctor told me that the pain was coming from the chest wall... which I later found to be the case.. when I began very anxiety ridden again. Believe it or not, when we put our body into a high stress state it can do some pretty amazing things - some of which scare us and make our anxiety worse. My personal symptoms are pretty vast, but they always dissipate once I get my mind off what is causing the anxiety. The trick is trying to find ways to distract yourself - something you can find joy in that keeps your mind from "sticking" to a thought or feeling . After a couple days of turning off your internal focus, see how you feel. Chances are you'll be feeling a lot better.

Another thing that helps me is to remind myself that the anxiety will pass.. as everything that has a beginning must have an end. If you take this to heart, you will more then likely find it comforting to know when you're going through it.

Hope this helps.

02-18-2009, 08:12 PM
it does it make meh feel better ive tried to take up som hobbys (i wanted to start photography) to get my mind off it but tymes are hard for meh since i gotten fired i believe that what had meh stressed out in the first place and school but i cant wait till this passes i jus need som1 to talk to about it som more i think id feel alot better about everythinq

02-18-2009, 08:55 PM
I get really bad transient stress related symptoms. I have borderline personality disorder and that is one of the symptoms I have. I will either have symptoms of derealization or start to feel paranoid.

But, when my anxiety levels are low the symptoms go away. I have to take anti-anxiety medicine to lower my anxiety symptoms or I just can not function.

02-18-2009, 09:19 PM
wen my anxiety was crazy like wen i was on ativan i could not deal at all i could not fuction with out it nd i become addicted and they had to take meh off nd i was on xnanx and that was addcitcin for meh soo now im on this anti depressant hopeing this would help meh more ...im kinda concerned about ma heart i kno they say theres nothing wrong with it but i dont like the way its always beatin at a quick pase

02-20-2009, 01:01 AM
it does it make meh feel better ive tried to take up som hobbys (i wanted to start photography) to get my mind off it but tymes are hard for meh since i gotten fired i believe that what had meh stressed out in the first place and school but i cant wait till this passes i jus need som1 to talk to about it som more i think id feel alot better about everythinq

yeah getting fired can bring up a lot of anxiety. I've been there and yeah its not pretty. I remember one time actually being laid off from an already terrible job. And as I was driving home, being all distraught and speeding, I got stopped by the police and given a pretty hefty ticket. As a result, I had a pretty good bought with self esteem afterwards. I pretty much stopped going out because I took it all so personally - though I really shouldn't have. Over time I got better, but still every time I face something negative I react the same way... habits I guess.

Can I ask what happened and what specifically is causing your stress (thoughts, views, etc)?

02-20-2009, 03:18 PM
ok well lemme tell yu my storyy it might be long but ive been through alot nd it might give yu a better understanding of how im feelin nd stuff

well like i asked ma dad did it run in the family like on my mommy side or his said nd he was like no soo it had to jus come outta the sky but first i had got fired i use to werk at a movie theater i made great friends better than the ones i had in my town nd the i got fired like a few days after my 17th birthday and i was soo upset cuz it took me forever to find this job i had a fone bill to pay that was sky high i provided for ma ex i was very much still in love with at the tyme and i was jus stressed in my mind i had to find a new job to get bac on track. soo that all happen nd around thanxgivin i got into a fight with ma aunt like a real fight cops where called nd everything cuz i was pissed with wha wat was qoin down in ma house nd right around then i started to get the feeling like my heart would skipp a beat nd i thought it was cuz i ate alot of unhealthy food soo i cut down on the fast food (btw im not fat im 5'6 115 pounds) i told ma grams about it nd she jus told meh it would go away at the same tyme my grandmother was very sick nd i was rele rele worried like im adopted im not rele ina great home like im thankful for som1 takin meh in wen i was a baby but they stress meh out too but i as much ma grams make meh mad the thought of her being sick nd the fact one day she is qoin to pass upsetted meh alot id hear her coughing all night long nd it would jus keep meh up scared as hell cryin cuz i cant see her leavin meh and like i wouldnt beh able to breathe ma hands nd legs would start to tingle nd stuff and at the point i rele aint kno wha was wrong i aint think no more of it but it got sooo bad like horrible wen i think bac on it i get upset cuz i use to bugg out i couldnt keep still id alwaysz touch ma chest make sure ma heart was still beating i felt soo bad nd even doe i never use to get sleep untill like 6 in the morn id stil go to skool try to make it through the day and one day i jus couldnt went to skool late that same pd i had a full blown panic attack i was in the hallway jus screammming and i have many in skool and i couldnt calm ma self down i couldnt breathe i thought i was qonna die in skool nd i did not want that to happen nd the bell had jus rang soo all eyes were all on meh and that made it even worst ma hands would cramp up ma whole body would get numb jus crazy nd it would get sent to the hospital and like wen id com out my mind set was ok 2morrow i have to go to skool i was strivin to qo to skool nd get through a day nd i jus couldnt the hospital didnt wanna keep meh cuz i was too young to be ina psych ward they felt my life would beh even worst i was put on meds and at that tyme i jus my day school life was done i stayed outta skool for weeks nd wen i wanted to go bac they felt it was better for meh to beh in night skool away from all the kids cuz its a pretty big skool nd wen i was told i was being put in night skool that stress meh more like that fliped ma wholeee schedule and like consulers were worried the whole student body as much as ppl hated my guts was worried about meh i mean there where a couple of ppl who thought i should of died nd thought it was funni to see meh like that but and the crazy thing about this wholle situation which is probally qonna get yu my grandmother alwaysz thought i was puttin on nd for every tyme i felt i need to qo to the hospital my grandmother would never take meh NEVER to her it was like oh shut up mind yu we aint rele kno wha was wrong with meh and there could beh days i would walk ma lil sick ass around the corner to ma godmother cuz she was the only one that cared everytyme i had to go to hospital or som1 had to beh there with meh she would beh there ma grams would jus roll her eyes not give a to shits at all nd ppl tell meh jus like this " fuck is yu worried about her wen she didnt even care about yu wen yu wasnt feelin ur best wen yu need to beh waited on wen yu couldnt do shit for ur self" and wen i say i couldnt do anything i couldnt walk i couldnt talk correctly like ma speech was very slurred i couldnt bathe ma self ma godmother had to do with for meh i was jus goin through alot and once i hit night skool cuz yu kno that where all the bad ass kids go..lol but that wasnt ma case nd wen they knew wha i was qoin through they put cps on ma grams bcuz that shit wasnt right wha she was doin not gettin meh the care i needed and this alll happen cuz my ass was stressed about herr and still till this day im stressed tryin to get thru night skool nd graduate no job cant even get a job cuz ma grams daughter change my ssn soo ma name dont even match my social jus to get moneyy this is all the crap that is gettin meh like this i see ma doctor more than i see birds fly by cuz my body is rele fucked up i have acid reflux now my eye sight is a lil off im jus suffering im readi to feel how i was b4 all this im scared to even leave ma house by ma self my ex take meh everywhere i have to go cuz i jus cant go anyywhere by ma self....smh now its jus like i cant wait till im 18 gradute in 2010 and move with my current boyfriend cuz i jus cant deal everyday i talk to my good friends which i dont even have a hand full cuz so many ppl dont like meh but i jus feel like cryin cuz i dont wanna diee like idk why thats a thought is alwaysz in my head mayb cuz i have nothing better to do during the day but watch cartoons nd text then go to skool at 3 but it does get to meh sometyme being alone is a big factor too i hate being alone its like if i cant find company ima bug out and ma ex thought i should start a hobby cuz sittin around jus thinkin aint doin meh nooo good and thats why i wanted to start photography got im alreadi good at graphics nd photoshop but i cant even start that cuz i dont have the money to get the camera nd shitt i jus need some type of support like ppl to help meh get these things start of evidently ma foster grams cant do it all or jus doesnt wanna do it

02-20-2009, 10:18 PM
Hey simpliixlucky, what you said is very interesting. I have my own opinions of all these anxiety symptoms after researching a lot about how I was feeling. Basically for the last couple of years I have had pretty bad anxiety and it makes me feel pretty ill a lot of the time, I get sweating under my arms a lot, even when i'm not feeling anxious or stressed! Plus I get other symptoms like a pain in my lower back either side of my spine, not all the time but sometimes. I also get muscle twitches in my arms and legs, again not all the time but I notice it seems to happen when my anxiety is triggered.

I feel constantly tired aswell, no matter how much I sleep I still feel tired. If I sleep 8 hours i'm tired, less than 8 hours and i'm extremely tired and even when I sleep 10 hours I still wake up feeling rough, although better than if I had less than 8. I really can't carry on living with these symptoms, I feel terrible every single day and it never seems to stop. Some days are O.K and I feel average but not too ill and then some days I feel really bad, sweating, twitching all over, severe tiredness, aches and pains etc...

I have done research on my symptoms and I came across something interesting, something called Adrenal Fatigue. It happens when you have a prolonged period of stress and your Adrenal glands which produce the adrenalin that pumps round your system when you have anxiety become overworked and too much stress if placed upon them. Your body then struggles to deal with stress and when you get stressed out when your adrenal glands are burnt out then your body starts to produce symptoms, the symptoms I read about seemed to mirror my own symptoms.

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue:
Non-refreshing sleep
Excessive fatigue and exhaustion
Craving for salty and sweet foods
Overwhelmed by or unable to cope with stressors
Low stamina, slow to recover from exercise
Low immune function
Feeling most energetic in the evening
Difficulty in concentration, brain fog
Poor digestion
Premenstrual syndrome or difficulties that are developed during menopause
Extreme sensitivity to cold
Consistent low blood pressure
Tendency to gain weight and unable to lose it
Tendency to tremble when under pressure
High frequency of getting flu and other respiratory diseases
Reduced sex drive
Feeling better suddenly for a brief period after a meal
Pain in the upper back or neck with no apparent reasons
Feeling better when stress is relieved, such as on a vacation

I am pretty sure I have adrenal fatigue, I have all the symptoms and I know it has been brought on by a lot of stress. Now when I am not even worried about anything I still tend to get nervous for no apparant reason and my heart beats fast. There is treatments for Adrenal Fatigue, I haven't explored what all the treatments are but I know there is steps that can be taken to improve it.

So to sum up... I think sometimes all these symptoms that associate with prolonged anxiety is Adrenal Fatigue related, i'm sure some people won't agree with me but that's just my opinion, it may be right or it may be wrong.

02-21-2009, 09:52 AM
wha do yu mean by low immune fuctions cuz i remeber wen i went to the doctor she had meh qo get tested for a std nd wen my test came bac i didnt have anything but she was like ma blood count was a tad bit low nd she must of been talkin about ma white blood cell cuz if it was my red she said she would of told meh im anemic and now im like scared shitless about gettin a HIV test cuz idk if tht has somthing to do with it

02-21-2009, 11:41 AM
wha do yu mean by low immune fuctions cuz i remeber wen i went to the doctor she had meh qo get tested for a std nd wen my test came bac i didnt have anything but she was like ma blood count was a tad bit low nd she must of been talkin about ma white blood cell cuz if it was my red she said she would of told meh im anemic and now im like scared shitless about gettin a HIV test cuz idk if tht has somthing to do with it

Low immune function means that you are more suseptable to getting cold and flu and other viruses because your immune system is weakened.

02-21-2009, 11:51 AM
soo could that have somthing to do with my doctor sayin my blood cell are a lil low ? cuz im jus worried about this test

02-25-2009, 06:26 PM
soo could that have somthing to do with my doctor sayin my blood cell are a lil low ? cuz im jus worried about this test

Not really sure, it might do but I really wouldn't start thinking it's aids or something!