View Full Version : I hate psychiatrists!

02-17-2009, 09:20 PM
I have had psychiatrists to tell me to stop being so anxious. That is stupid. People do not choose to have anxiety. That is like telling someone who has depression to snap out of it. Or, like telling a scizophrenic to stop hallucinating. It is not like a choice.

I even had doctors who refused to treat me because they thought I was seeking "drugs". People with anxiety need anti-anxiety medicine, not an antipsychotic or an antidepressant. The only medine that helps me is anti-anxiety medicine. Why do doctors rufuse to treat this disorder?

02-18-2009, 02:31 AM
People with anxiety need anti-anxiety medicine,

That is not true, there are 1000s of people who suffer from anxiety not taking medication for it, perhaps your doctors dont feel that you are not bad enough to warrant taking it.

02-18-2009, 11:24 AM
Well, my anxiety caused me to become psychotic and paranoid. And, I was committed because of it.

Besides, why would someone take any anti-anxiety medicine if they did not need it. It is not much different from an antidepressant. Besides by failing to treat people, it causes people to try to "self-medicate".

02-19-2009, 08:51 PM
anxiety has a mental component to it. Medicine will only give you temporary relief from your erratic body reactions to anxiety. but,that does not tackle the root problem of your anxiety..

its about conditioning your mental state-a sort of mental healing. some go for a mix of medicine and therapy. Some are just satisfied by therapy alone and have found them to be effective. but those who depend only on medicine find that their anxiety problems are recurring..