View Full Version : Hello everybody, please read my story!

02-15-2009, 03:12 AM
Hello everybody out there

I am 23 years old man, most likely suffering from anxiety disorder. I think it all started around 4,5 years ago. I had ups and downs.
Now I started again to worry to much about my health situation, I am scared of anything that my body is doing.
Lately I has some issues with the bowel movement, to be more precise my stool is floating sometimes and I read some articles and then I got scared that I might have some big problem with the pancreas...
In the begging of the week I has thinking about leukemia and now about pancreas problems...that's really annoying...
I now it's not good, but I a worried... In the past 2 years I thought a lot about this "hard core" diseases. From Hiv to leukemia, brain tumor...everything...

Over the past years I had the following symptoms:

-feeling that I have something in my throat and that I will chock
-tired eyes, especially when staying at the pc
-tingling in the arm, fingers
-fast heart beating
-worried about some small things, things that would scare me before
-some headaches, relatively rarely
-panicking sometimes in crowded places
-feeling that I will lose control over my body and that I will faint or die
-frequent urination

and so on...

Any advice please...

02-15-2009, 06:43 AM
Its like our story is identical, i too am 23 year old male and constantly worry about my health, it changes from week to week as to what i worry about. But the main one is the big C. I've had so many blood tests and x-rays and scans that have all come back fine but the tests never reassure me. I went on getting millions of different tests for 6 months til i finally broke down in the dr's office where he prescribed some medication for short term. Im going back tomorrow as i feel worse then ever and have no medicine. I cant offer any advice, but i do understand what you're going through. But to reassure you I have had all of those symptoms to.

02-15-2009, 07:55 AM
Its like our story is identical, i too am 23 year old male and constantly worry about my health, it changes from week to week as to what i worry about. But the main one is the big C. I've had so many blood tests and x-rays and scans that have all come back fine but the tests never reassure me. I went on getting millions of different tests for 6 months til i finally broke down in the dr's office where he prescribed some medication for short term. Im going back tomorrow as i feel worse then ever and have no medicine. I cant offer any advice, but i do understand what you're going through. But to reassure you I have had all of those symptoms to.

Thanks for your comment! Hopefully better days will come!

02-15-2009, 08:02 AM
Those medical sites are BS and usually out of context--I suggest you get a thorough checkup and call it a day. Most medical sites have an agenda--in the USA, at least--get people to the hospital. Floating stool is usually a symptom of TOO MUCH GAS. To have pancreatitis (which is what I assume you are referring to) you also will have HORRENDOUS abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, most likely fever, light, floaty, smelly, STICKY stool etc,. A disease is not ONE or TWO symptoms, it is usually a COLLECTION of symptoms--something these sites do not explain.

Stay off those sites and nourish the mind--the rest will follow.

Good luck.

BTW, I am not in med school (engineering student) but my mom has been a surgical nurse for 35+ years; also, I went through the exact same thing as you for a while. Those sites are the devil.

02-15-2009, 08:14 AM
Those medical sites are BS and usually out of context--I suggest you get a thorough checkup and call it a day. Most medical sites have an agenda--in the USA, at least--get people to the hospital. Floating stool is usually a symptom of TOO MUCH GAS. To have pancreatitis (which is what I assume you are referring to) you also will have HORRENDOUS abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, most likely fever, light, floaty, smelly, STICKY stool etc,. A disease is not ONE or TWO symptoms, it is usually a COLLECTION of symptoms--something these sites do not explain.

Stay off those sites and nourish the mind--the rest will follow.

Good luck.

BTW, I am not in med school (engineering student) but my mom has been a surgical nurse for 35+ years; also, I went through the exact same thing as you for a while. Those sites are the devil.

Thanks ZenOne! It really helps me to hear people like you!
Like I said, I thought about all the diseases possible. To top it up, was the pancreatic cancer.
One question though: I've done the normal blood test in September 2008 and everything was ok. I case I would have anything chronic or infectious, are the values of blood tests going crazy?

02-15-2009, 10:03 AM
Blood tests in Sept. '08 is fairly recent--to have pancreatitis or anything of that nature now you would most likely need to have been a RABID alcoholic for the last 5 months--like 2 bottles of vodka a day rabid. So yes, everything should be fine.

02-15-2009, 10:32 AM
Blood tests in Sept. '08 is fairly recent--to have pancreatitis or anything of that nature now you would most likely need to have been a RABID alcoholic for the last 5 months--like 2 bottles of vodka a day rabid. So yes, everything should be fine.

Hopefully I will get rid of this health anxiety, SOON! It's really annoying sometimes...

02-15-2009, 10:33 AM
Hopefully I will get rid of this health anxiety, SOON! It's really annoying sometimes...

Are you on any medication or counselling?

02-15-2009, 10:36 AM
Hopefully I will get rid of this health anxiety, SOON! It's really annoying sometimes...

Are you on any medication or counselling?

No, at least not yet.