View Full Version : My anxiety story

02-15-2009, 02:49 AM
Where can I start? When I was 15 I was diagnosed wth depression and, as that illness went along furthur (no medication seemed to help, I'll explain about that later) I started having this "mental episodes" as I called them back then, some of which was so bad I ended up at my doctors office is a frenzy. At long last, the shrink I was seeing at the time diagnosed me with Anxiety Disorder and started me on medication, which helped A LOT. After a while, everything calmed down and I was taken off the medication. It wasn't until a couple of years of bieng free from anxiety that I bega to feel jittery and get bad stomach upsets at the thought of going to work and it was long after that when I had my first panic attack and years, and my anxiety got so bad and the attacks got so frequent I had to quit my job and basically went into hiding. The shrink I had at the time of my initital diagnosis had long since retired so I went on the hunt for another and found a brillitant doctor who I till have today and she dianosed me with Bi polar disorder ( she thinks I had bi polar all along, hence thats why the antidepressants didn't work) and als, again, with Anxiety Disorder. Currently, I am trying to hold things together as best as I can. I have recently quit smoking, which is going suprisingly well but is adding to my anxiety. I'm not well eough in either the Bi Polar or Anxiety department to work, but, I am slowly getting better thanks to a new medication plan from my shrink and also some cognitive behavioural therapy. Life is still unbearable at times and I have incredible fear of having a heart attack and dying early ad also of bieng alone.

My anxiety symptoms are---

Pain/tightness in the chest (This has been investigated at the ER 7 times and they found nothing)

Stomach aches, noisy stomach and IBS

Nightmares and night terrors

Feeling as though I'm in a dream and that nothing is real

Tension headaches and sore eyes

Crying spells

Sudden intense fears over insignificant things

Worrying about what others would think if they saw my anxiety

Tingles in my arms, hands and feet

Shoulder and back pain

Feeling like I'm floating or that the room is on water or Vertigo (this has also been checked with a CT scan and blood test)


Hypersensitvity (especially to loud noises)

Startle easy


Thanks so much for reading.

02-15-2009, 03:22 AM
Where can I start? When I was 15 I was diagnosed wth depression and, as that illness went along furthur (no medication seemed to help, I'll explain about that later) I started having this "mental episodes" as I called them back then, some of which was so bad I ended up at my doctors office is a frenzy. At long last, the shrink I was seeing at the time diagnosed me with Anxiety Disorder and started me on medication, which helped A LOT. After a while, everything calmed down and I was taken off the medication. It wasn't until a couple of years of bieng free from anxiety that I bega to feel jittery and get bad stomach upsets at the thought of going to work and it was long after that when I had my first panic attack and years, and my anxiety got so bad and the attacks got so frequent I had to quit my job and basically went into hiding. The shrink I had at the time of my initital diagnosis had long since retired so I went on the hunt for another and found a brillitant doctor who I till have today and she dianosed me with Bi polar disorder ( she thinks I had bi polar all along, hence thats why the antidepressants didn't work) and als, again, with Anxiety Disorder. Currently, I am trying to hold things together as best as I can. I have recently quit smoking, which is going suprisingly well but is adding to my anxiety. I'm not well eough in either the Bi Polar or Anxiety department to work, but, I am slowly getting better thanks to a new medication plan from my shrink and also some cognitive behavioural therapy. Life is still unbearable at times and I have incredible fear of having a heart attack and dying early ad also of bieng alone.

My anxiety symptoms are---

Pain/tightness in the chest (This has been investigated at the ER 7 times and they found nothing)

Stomach aches, noisy stomach and IBS

Nightmares and night terrors

Feeling as though I'm in a dream and that nothing is real

Tension headaches and sore eyes

Crying spells

Sudden intense fears over insignificant things

Worrying about what others would think if they saw my anxiety

Tingles in my arms, hands and feet

Shoulder and back pain

Feeling like I'm floating or that the room is on water or Vertigo (this has also been checked with a CT scan and blood test)


Hypersensitvity (especially to loud noises)

Startle easy


Thanks so much for reading.

Hi there

I can perfectly understand your fear. I have the some problem now from 4,5 years. I had ups and down but now I fear that they will come back because I am starting again to worry about everything...especially my health.

02-16-2009, 04:01 AM
Sorry to hear that you are going through all of these problems, I can relate to a lot of those symptoms (like the intolerance to loud noises, I just came from a party and can't fall asleep because my nerves have gone haywire from all the noise) and there are others that i have not had yet from your list. I know it can be hard at times and I too try my best to deal with it and have learned to manage it much better. Now, I have read about bipolar disorders and from what I gather it can be a real handful to deal with it, I am sorry to hear. Please ask any questions if you have any we are here to help each other out. :)