View Full Version : Horrible numbness in head!

02-07-2009, 08:22 PM
I am having horrible issues with numbness in my head and cant function during the day.. I am currently taking 900 MG of Lithium at night for Bi Polar and 500 mg of depakote and 250 mg of effexor in the morning.. My doctor gave me xanax and that helps me temporarily but i feel like an out of reality sensation.. I always thinks its a brain tumor or something horrible and also have pain around my eyes and numbness in my cheeks.. I really need help.. Does anybody know whats going on??

02-08-2009, 02:37 AM
Numbness can be a symptom of anxiety but I think you should see your doctor as it could be side effects from all the medication you are taking.

02-08-2009, 05:16 AM
pain around the eyes and face along with strange feelings in your head like you're describing could be down to something as simple as a sinus infection that can be cleared up with an antibiotic :) it's best to ask your doctor about it. sinus infections make me feel terrible, often a really weird feeling of pressure in my head and not feeling very real, if that makes sense, sort of dizzy and out of my body. they can happen after you've had a cold or flu.

other than that feelings of derealisation can be down to a deficiency of vitamin B which can also lead to feelings of anxiety and panic. it can be a good idea to take a vitamin B supplement, your pharmiacist or your health food shop assistant should be able to advise you on what one to take :)