View Full Version : Anxiety coming back...

02-06-2009, 07:57 PM
Hi, my name is Medi and I am 24 years old. I was/usually am a very relaxed person, however, last winter (winter of 2007-2008) my father passed away very suddenly of a massive heart attack. I had NEVER been a stressed individual up until then.

*SIDE NOTE: I had only ever had one panic attack (full-blown, run-to-the-ER-type) as a result of pot when I was 22 which I instantly quit and have sworn off forever (and have not looked back).

Anyways, after my father passed away I became incredibly stressed, borderline agoraphobic and had persistent symptoms (always had chest related symptoms) that made the rounds--from leg pain to 3 week head pain to numbness in the arms and legs etc,. Being rational and taking part in some online therapy (as well as personal CBT) I was able to relax and "beat" the anxiety.

*SIDE NOTE: I was/am incredibly active and do martial arts and weight training as well as yoga at least 5 days a week.

Needless to say that during my major episode I stopped training and went to the ER over 10 times in 6 months. Either way, I got beyond that--got back to school (I took that semester off) and got back to training--I even got a new job (my father's best friend was my manager at my previous job). Everything was working out well until...

About a month ago my grandfather had to have his leg amputated and shortly thereafter passed away. I was like a rock being that I went through the death of my father; also, during this period my mother's apartment burned down and she was left stranded. I felt like I had a good handle on everything--I am not overly focused on the negative and I continued my training and schooling, work etc,. However, over the last few days I have started getting palpitations, sweats, headaches, slight chest pain etc,. I am trying not to spiral back into what I have already been through. Any help or friendly advice would be greatly appreciated.

I feel I need to point out the fact that I have had the following tests done as a result of my fathers' death (all tests done roughly 8 months ago, April-May 2008):

Multiple EKG's
Stress Test
Stress Echo
Electrophysiological Study (arrythmia test)
(All done as a result of the family history of heart disease)

Bloods (FULL including cholesterol)
CT of the head
Ultrasound of the abdomen

All of these tests ruled out anything major. I will also point out that my blood pressure is usually very good (115/65) and that my heart rate tends to be under 70 BPM (most of the time).

I assume what I want to hear is that the likelihood of anything serious developing over the last 8 months is HIGHLY improbable.

Thanks in advance to all.

02-07-2009, 04:04 AM
You might like to look at working on your adrenal health. This is a good link.


02-07-2009, 01:16 PM
Hi medi, your story is is 90% similar to mine. I lost my father at the age of 21 from a massive heart attack, I too was like a rock about his death. I started feeling all the symptoms that you described about 2 years later and I wound up in the ER about 5-7 times in 2 months to have multiple EKG's, stress tests, and echo's. Every thing that you are describing is the same thing I used to get and still do till today. My advice to you is to educate yourself on anxiety and panic attacks it will help you understand your situation, and seek therapy. Therapy will help you achieve a speedy recovery. Good luck.

02-07-2009, 06:05 PM
Thank you. I will try that.