View Full Version : Do you have vestibular problems too?

02-06-2009, 07:00 PM
I have some occassional problems with dizziness and vertigo. From what I've found on the internet; anxiety, panic, and depression can result from vestibular problems. I think it's time to see the doc and get a referral to a specialist. My mood is improved when I feel like my feet are securely flat on the ground.

Check out websites about vestibular problems.

02-06-2009, 08:00 PM
Hi, I just want to give you some friendly advice.

Checking websites involving any kind of medical information is a major issue when you are experiencing anxiety. I would suggest you get checked out by you GP, however, vestibular problems are fairly common when it comes to anxiety.

Tension in the shoulders is the main culprit when it comes to the aforesaid problems. Also, poor breathing patters as a result of anxiety is another possible culprit.

Good luck.

02-07-2009, 10:57 PM
ZenOne...I couldn't agree more about websites and anxiety. In general, one has to realize that information on a website is extremely limited and can often be inappropriate for one's problems; despite one's perception of one's own symptoms. A qualified doc or two is a much wiser source of resolution. It is sometimes reaffirming though, that when one suspects that something could be contributing to one's problems, and then to find that the information is out there, it can reduce one's anxiety. Kind of like getting on a forum and reading what others have to say about their issues. You know you're not alone.

I hadn't realized how often vestibular problems are associated with anxiety. It was/is interesting to read about. By the way...I get visually induced vertigo and have inner ear problems. Could be exacerbating my other anxiety. That's for my doc(s) to determine.

02-08-2009, 05:23 AM
hi mosel, i'm not surprised at all that you feel anxious with vertigo, i can totally relate to that as i've had problems with dizziness myself due to a virus and anxiety shot through the roof. i think your body just feels so weird, cause it's not used to being dizzy, so you get into a circle of stress, dizziness and anxiety.

it's definitely a good idea to have your ears checked out, there may be a simple solution :) also accupuncture can help with vertigo so you might like to give it a shot.

there was a forum member here a while ago who had his problems solved when he discovered it was all connected to a vistibular problem. he did a lot of research into it, you might like to have a look at his very informative post: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewt ... =inner+ear (http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3746&highlight=inner+ear)

hope you feel better soon!

02-08-2009, 02:35 PM
Northstar...thanks for the kind well wishes and the post link. I've already been to a number of the sites he listed. I was searching for info on vestibular problems, not even considering the two might be related. When I found that out, I was all over it. Now I have to convince my doc to refer me to an ENT/Otologist.